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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:29
Belldandy Gift

Your favorite anime character

Topics Manga & Anime Your favorite anime character
Not including the characters in the AMG universe (I'll start a separate thread for that), who is your favorite anime character and why? I can't wait to hear the responses. :bg:
Kahshi from Naruto..
The lazy Ninja..., he so lazy and a ninja it is just great! plus he is one of the top ninjas in the universe and is lazy, did I mention he was lazy... it just all so funny, plus there is the couninuing mystaty of why he wers a mask...
fav non A!MG character is Miyuki Kobayakawa from You're Under Arrest. another great creation from Fujishima-san. Miyuki is a good kind tokyo policewoman (i've always admired the police) plus she's very pretty and knows alot about gadgets and stuff aswell as being an ace driver!
oh and another thing, there are times in the YUA OVA where Miyuki looks a lot like Belldandy! lol sorry i had to slip in something to do with Belldandy somewhere!

Keiichi-K1 (Belldandy Lover :love: )
Actually, I think Natsumi is far more interesting than Miyuki. *shrugs* Maybe it is just me...

I have too many favorite characters to list... here's just a sample:

Tenchi Muyo - Ryoko
Mahoromatic - Mahoro
Cowboy Bebop - Spike Spiegel
Full Metal Alchemist - Al Elric
Please Twins - Mina Miyafuji
El Hazard - Masamichi Fujisawa
Rune Soldier - Meryl

I'm with Larry: I can't pick just one character! So I'll do several posts throughout the thread about some of my many favorites. :bg: For this one: Sailor Galaxia!!! She's the only villain to ever REALLY come close to taking down the senshi. She destroyed downtown Tokyo and stole the souls of senshi throughout the universe. Plus, consider the aesthetics: She wears Roman warrior garb completely made of gold. She doesn't use a wand, she carries a GIGANTIC BLACK SWORD. She also has the ability to enslave the souls of other senshi within her bracers (gold wrist cuffs), and therefore make those senshi her slaves!!! And, for my final argument: when things get tough for her, she becomes possessed by Chaos, the ultimate evil throughout the universe! Her armor turns to black chrome and she sprouts huge demon wings from her back. I know, I know... this totally goes against the Belldandy side of me. But the Goth child within is totally impressed by this most awesome villain. :sweat:
ein and ed from cowboy bebop
spike from trigun :EDIT: yah i mean vash the stampede, thank you keiichik1 (but i also like spike from. oh yah cowboy bebop)
chii from chobits
kenshin from kenshin:)
Spike wasn't in Trigun... he was in Cowboy Bebop.

Are you thinking of Vash or Wolfwood?

well, if everybody else is listing many favorites then i might aswell do the same!
another fav of mine thats non A!MG is Tendo Rushuna from Grenadier Hohoemi no Senshi. She's a senshi so she's a master will the ol revolver and even if she uses guns she's a total pacifist!
her ultimate strategy is to smile at ur opponent and be friends!
she's also very attractive and has a very large pair of (ahem) mammaries.:bg:
lol, sounds like a good match for ol' Vash the Stampede!

Another of my favorites (farrr removed from the universe of AMG) is Alucard from Hellsing! There's just a certain attraction I have to the completely insane anti-hero vampire type. ^_^; He's so ancient that all he cares about is a challenge; he doesn't give a second thought to blasting his own kind into oblivion as long as it's something new and exciting for him. And when he unleashes his powers, lookout! He transforms into a monster straight out of an HP Lovecraft tale, oozing nightmarish darkness, all teeth and eyes and tendrils and insane laughter. "Hurry!" Bring on another challenge for Alucard! He's bored, so hurry!
hmm... my favorite animé character? hmm... i don't really know... i don't really look at animé... :heh:
but my favorite manga character is defenetly..... hmm.... i don't know either! :embr:
i guess i don't have any... well of course there are some i prefer for others... i really like Kenshin, a few Samuraï Deeper Kyo characters.... etc etc

My all time favorite anime character. She's beautiful, intelligent, wise, warm-hearted, a teacher and wears glasses. ^_^'

Voiced by Inoue Kikuko. You can't ask for anything better, except to meet the real Mizuho in person. ^_^'
me suggest u get in touch with Peng Lee! he's also a Mizuho fan!
Hmm, other characters I like... Misato from Evangelion. I know everyone in that show is pretty screwed up, but I think she does the best, considering her circumstances. Well, except for the kiss with Shinji in the movie. :P Anyway, I like how she's a take-charge kind of gal, and that she actually cares for the kids enough to throw aside protocol to try and save them. If only Ritsuko wasn't always undermining her efforts...
Misato is a good strong character in NGE, my fav in that series is Rei Ayanami, she's cool and under control, some may say she's a bit dull and lifeless but i see her as being more of a victim of the world around her.

Another fav of mine is Yurika Misumaru from Nadesico, she's really fun character! she can be a ditz at times with naive childish views and yet still take command of the most powerful spaceship without any probs at all!
Hmm, this is a tough one. Mainly because I can't come up with an obvious candidate that floors everybody. Hmm, Ai Amano from Video Girl Ai? Shannon Casull or Cz from Scrapped Princess? Great Teacher Onizuka or his pupil Kanzaki Urumi? Sakaki from Azumanga? Well, if we disqualify those who are based on manga characters then I would have to say Priss from Bubblegum Crisis. Love her singing.