lol my pleasure slim! ^^ actually i love History so i really enjoyed making the post... lol! :) i also have a few things about the Gothic type of architecture if anyone is interested... it appeared to replace Roman architecture which wasn't that practical and stable... 
At the time when Roman art was in full blooming and full possession of its means, the Gothic art was born, developed and strengthened itself; it spread in all Europe and supplanted Roman art. It was a new design of life, a success which could not be explained without a transformation of ideas, social, political and economic conditions.
Byzance, conquered by crossings, was reduced. The Holy Roman Empire lost its power. France triumphed in Bouvines over the Imperial and affirmed itself at the same time as Holland and England. Papacy left Rome for Avignon. Spain triumphed over the Arabs. In short, the order and the power were established in the west of the Empire where France, having triumphed over the heresies was dominating. Before the great battles came with the One hundred Year old war and the Black Death, France dominated. It was then the development of trade, including international trade, of urban middle-class; it was also the beginning of the decline of feudality and rural company. The cities increased, Gothic art marked them like the Romanesque art marked the landscapes of the countryside. In Paris, the Sorbonne attracted the professors and students of all Europe. It was the time when were represented the two tendencies of the Middle Ages: One mystical, one can say Romance, represented by Saint Bernard and the franciscans, the other dialectical one or Gothic which attempted to grant reason and faith: Abélard and the Dominican ones were defenders. Here is the medium in which will be born and to develop the Gothic art. 
Technically, Gothic construction rest on three elements: the arc, the vault and the bracket. The arc: It is the gothic arch which allows the vault on intersecting ribs, which is a groined vault moulded on diagonal veins; its origin is remote and an old example is that of the vault of Durham in England. This vault is reinforced by transverse and longitudinal arcs which accentuate the vertical push on four pillars. The horizontal thrust is absorbed by the brackets of various types (simple or double, with one or two flights). The pushes thus absorptive, it becomes impossible to open the walls and to place canopies there.
Did the technical elements determine the Gothic architecture or quite to the contrary they found, were not founded or were invented to translate what people wanted to express? It is allowed to think that they were used to only put forward medieval philosophy and the mystic. Thus, the Gothic spirit organizes space and its dynamics communicates to him. It privileges light, cathedrals are bathed by it, and verticality: The evolution of the pillars shows it; finally, it harmoniously combines architecture, sculpture, painting, stained glasses. All these elements differentiate it from the unit very pure, but massive, of the Romanesque art.
Source of the Gothic word:
The artists of Renaissance, finding the art of the Middle Age obsolete, called it "Gothic" (by allusion to the Germanic tribe of Goths), which meant for them barbarian. In a report addressed to the Pope Leon X, Raphaël use was the first to use this word, which, in his thought, was synonymous with barbarian, term of contempt in opposition to the Antique art.
(translation from: