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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:23
Belldandy Gift

Gothic people: how long have they been around? whats your opinions?

Topics Misc Gothic people: how long have they been around? whats your opinions?
The term "Goth" has been around for centeries and i was wondering whats your opinions on it are?
If you mean the people that go around dressed in black, bleaching their skin, and moaning about how the world is a decaying pit of dispair, I'm not terribly impressed. Weirdness for the sake of weirdness is nothing more than a kind of conformity. They remind me of the crowd in "Life of Brian." Every single one of them shouting in unison "We're all individuals!" (with one lone voice in the background yelling "I'm not!").

I've found that people who try to become an image are generally pretty shallow. Don't get me wrong... I knew a goth chick once who was pretty cool... but she got bored with it quickly because it wasn't who she really was.

My advice to goths or aspiring goths: Be yourself... don't try to fit yourself into a mold. Sure, I wear particular types of clothes to work because it is required, but away from work, I wear what is comfortable (usually a t-shirt and shorts or blue jeans), regardless of what other people think.

Perky goths are OK though, since they tend not to take it seriously.

I definetly love the look, and some of the ideas are rather interesting.
Gothic people have been around for ages, although that name wasn't really given to them. There's always been gloomy, dark, depressed people around, and also a lot of people who simply take that image and use it as a shield to cover their true self. I don't think there's anything wrong with it all, they're interesting and I've often found myself wanting to talk to them, see what makes them work and stuff like that. Only thing I don't like that much about 'em is that a lot of them are rather anti-social. But then again, lot's of people are.

I'm -so- going to buy those clothes once I can actually look good in them, I'm a big fan of the dark and gloomy yet slightly theatrical look.
Well another typ of Goth would like to bring up is the church it self (no not religion wise!) At one point churches were conscidered Goth because of the overwhelming architecture with fly buttraces and crafty stone work ^-^ I believbe this was dirrived by the Romans because of their fantastic buildings. As well there is another church which is made of stone and Human bones. I can't remembe where it is located but the interrior is audorned with skulls and bones of the human body used to craft statues decor, ect. BUT the bones used in this were not dug up they belong to the culture that practiced it and asked for their bones to be used in the church. Today some poeple get married in it (usually Goth onviously) It is interesting i wish i could remember the name
well gothic people have been around for a long time 1400's is proballi the excat time of them back then thei where belived to be witches and ghost which some of them think thei are but mi opinion on gothicness goes like this..: if you become a goth then it's not like your selling for self to the devil unless you reach a certin level and here are the levels

Pregoth: means that you are some what part of them but you are kinda distant thei seem to have gothic feels and normal feelings

Sencere goth: Thei are kinda mystical and gothic thei do chants and tri to bring souls of the haunting dead to rest so in awai thei are kinda a angel/gothic like

Basic goth: thei cut there selves 2 a month to show the devil thei are on there side and prove thei are unholi for god

Pure goth: thei wear black all the time and have no other color on them and red bleach there skin cut them selves 24/7 drink other peoples blood (kinda twisted isn't) change there hair color once everi year to purple&black and red&black to exchange passion with the devil thei don't care about the world and there life when thei think thei are readi to go to hell thei kill them selves

so as you can see gothic levels are something that people do when thei have enough of life
woaw! such "radical" ideas are too much for my Bushido coded mind to truly understand or relate to. Personally i dont see many gothic people where i come from nor do i know much about them, they are just there as far as im concerned, as long as nobody gets hurt because of them i will not take action.
That is kinda twisted angel. well ^-^ hopefully that stays as a theory. Hwoever it did remind me of this site called www.illwillpress.com its actually quiet entertaining it basically makes fun of goth stuff and the world (in a nueatic yet strangly tasteful way,,,,) However I would recomend it for 14+ depending on the maturity level of the content so don't come back at me and say it sucks, its just a simple suggestion ^-^ Cause well...it is kinda weird hahaha!
well mom what i did sai is a true fact in all so that's the things that some people do it's realli twisted
yes angel there are many types of goths in the world there are those who chant, bring souls from the grave, sacrifice. and then there are those who are wanna-be goths people who just follow the crowd, those who would do anything for atention. and then theres those who sare inbetween those who are goth but there not really into it, like they chant and stuff but they dont do the dramitic stuff, but goth or not all ppl are the same on the inside but different on the outside.

ps: if yall are wondering you have a few goths umung yourself's, so look around you'll know who they are.
well i kno that but i was just explaning it
no offense to anyone who is goth but.... dear god... i hate the style. no one should be that way. it isn't normal or right or anything. just be yourself and that'll always be good enough. if people don't like you for that, then thats their problem.
^^ oh i defenetly love the goth way of dressing... all the dark colors and cool clothes are simply wonderful... ^^

i believe the goth style as we know it now appreared in the late XX century... at the time rock'n roll was "created".... maybe in the 1970... i'm not too sure... probably the time when Led Zeplin came around... but anyway... goths claim to have existed since the XIV century as angel has said, with all the witch thing... and with the romantic litterature mouvement that appeared in France with Baudelaire and all the damned poets (Rimbaud, Nerval etc...) in the XIX century.
Actually...I think you're a bit mistaken, guys. There is a certain art-style, mostly in buildings, that is called the Gothic style. It's with those little towers, dark and gloomy and with too much detailed frills. It's pretty, but I'm not a fan of it.
Also, being a goth doesn't really mean that you're a witch or something like that. I mean, I'm a witch, and there's not a gothic bone in my body, besides sometimes the depressed moods. Being a goth is more a way of living and dressing, it's the attitude of 'I don't give a damn'.
People who cut themselves usually do this because they want to take the pain of something inside of them, to the outside. Regular people may even do this. I remember once, a girl who was so heartbroken, that she wrote the boys name in her arm with a knife. Has nothing to do with being a goth, just with hurting really bad.
Calling up ghosts is something I've never done, but I know rather a lot about it. It's a dangerous thing if you don't know what you're doing, after all. A lot of gothic people do this, I'll admit, but it hasn't really got anything to do with their gothic-ness.
The ones who drink other peoples blood are rather bizarre, I'll admit that. While they are usually goth, not all gothic people are like that. It's a kind of religion, like Satanism. With them it's just Vampirism. Also, while a lot of the Satanists have a gothic look, it's not all of them.
Wearing black is something that Goths do, they are fond of leather and blood-red things too. Also leather wristbands and necklaces with spikes on them, and they often wear black nailpolish, both men as women.
I think the principle behind them is that they dislike the current world and express that by don't giving a damn anymore. A lot of them go back to previous era's, hence the Victorian-style clothes. I think they're intriguing. A bit too much trouble to express who you are, in my eyes, but definetly nice conversing partners.
no offense here but regardless of previous posts here i personally do not think the goth style (black clothes etc) can be considered stylish or cool.
finally! someone who agrees with me! black is only good for certain occasions and even then it should be rare. its a nice color (and my last name ^^ lol) but people wear too much of it now...