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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 07:20
Belldandy Gift

Would u go for it?

Topics Misc Would u go for it?
a guy has the right to court whomever he fancies as long as they aren't already being courted and only if they WANT to be courted. If a girl already has a boyfriend and is showing she wants to be courted by you as well, then i'd run! she's not a very stable girl...

K1, how would you feel if the girl you loved and were going out with also went on dates with other guys?!
Oh!!! I wouldnt feel comfortable like that!!!!

and I know anyone else wouldnt like it if that happened....
Well when it comes to courting I dont see why not. Some people like it that way because they get to 'taste test' so to speak. Basically that girl will find out this way who she likes better. Whats wrong with a little variety? Right? However it seems unclear weatehr this other guy is her boy friend or not. Make sure to varify on that first. No one likes a third wheel ^-^
QuoteOriginally posted by Nausicaa (view)
a guy has the right to court whomever he fancies as long as they aren't already being courted and only if they WANT to be courted. If a girl already has a boyfriend and is showing she wants to be courted by you as well, then i'd run! she's not a very stable girl...

K1, how would you feel if the girl you loved and were going out with also went on dates with other guys?!

you're getting mixed up on what im trying to say! its not what the girl thinks that im talking about, what im trying to say is even if a girl has a bf, you cant stop another guy from loving her and trying for her.
THAT is true! i had a bf and kyle liked me anyway and kept trying, and voila! i don't think i could be with anybody else...

oh i dont want this to sound wrong though. my other bf (and this was like 6 years ago by the way) dumped me for reasons due to teenage hormones (he wanted things i wansn't really ready to give, i still was stuck on regular kisses) and dumped me for some preppy girl he never got, but that's alright, he's still one of my favorite people!!! i dont hold gudges...

and the kyle storie is long. i already posted that somewhere else...
^^' that kinda contradicts your last post Nausicaa! LOL

See what i mean! mwahahahahaha! i am soooo good! im always right! LOL ;P
I updated my last post! it's a little more explanitory. one thing else to say is that kyle and i started going out 4 or 5 years later... he tried HARD, but the last 2 years he kinda got disinterested (just when i got interested) so i had to work hard too...

oh this is probably confusing, believe me it's avery complicated story... i've never dumped anybody for someone else.
with more twists and turn than a bowl of negi ramen! like i said "alls fair in love and war"
K1 as a fellow man I think it'll be best if you stop now cuz it's useless & hopeless to get a point or argue with women.Cuz you'll never win.Trust me on this.If you argue with a girl & you both know that your right she'll still argue til you say she's right & your wrong.Well thats my experiance anyways :p :ugh: :D ^^
no in my experience, women do't always win they only think they've won. if i know i'm right i'll make it so they know i'm right and can't argue back. of course then they hate me and ignor me for a few days.....hey wait a minute.....