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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 00:58
Belldandy Gift

Would u go for it?

Topics Misc Would u go for it?
okay guys here'sa question, say you have your eye on a girl and u fancy her. However there is a chance that she might be a bit older than you, not a lot , say a year maybe or two. and waht if she might already hav a bf. Would u still go for it?

for the gals of this thread just switch the roles around. ^^'
i wouldn't mind having a boyfriend older or younger than me... 2 of my friends' boyfriends are younger than them... though i wouldn't ask a guy out if he already has a girlfriend... wouldn't be very interligent... and the answer would be obviously no.
I don't mind if a girl is a yr or 2 older than i.But if she has a bf already i'd say no.But if her bf is a a$$ to her then I'll do what I can do.
Goku had a good answer, if her boy friend is no good, be the hero and ave her and maybe recieve her heart as a reward! I dont see anything wrong with a guy dating a girl who is older,, Im still getting used to it to be honest, like Camren Diaz and Justin Timberlake, and all those other every day couples we see. However if she does have a good boy friend, keep your distance, and stick to being friends.

So tell us how long have u known this mystery girl, or is it a secret ^_^?
hmmm if it was me....I would stay away if she has a boyfriend..and being friend is nice.. ^_^ But if the other guy likes her and she hasnt say anything about liking the other guy then I would go for it...I guess ^_^ Who knows...?? she might like me?? lol!!!!! but no girl would like me...LOL!!!!!!! But I Like girls that dont have their eyes on other guys and hasnt been in a relationship yet......because if I know nothing about relationship and she knows more than me then Im in big!!! trouble....I like to start off with nothing and learn from it.....

ME = @_@
Dating girls a few years older: Yes
Dating girls with bfs: No
Will stay away if she has a BF, but may interfere if that guy is a jack***
Oh lets see. Older girl, thats fine, if its only 1 or 2 years. Anything older than that is sort of uncomfortable. And its just against social norms to go for a chick with a boyfriend, unless you like getting your face smashed in. One of my best friends started hitting on my girlfriend...that was very uncool. Hes not my friend anymore.
hmmm you all have very good points and arguments. To be honest i'd feel much better if the girl i go out with is younger than me (but not young as in weird relationship young like 15 etc ^^').

most of you say that its not good to go for a girl that already has a bf, but what about the freedom of guys to court whoever they fancy? as long as the girl is still single its ok no? not my personal opinion yet, i just wanna see what u all think.
The same rules of faithfullness should apply to both males and females i.e. if you are in a relationship you should NOT play away from home (it's happened to me too many times in the past). If you're unhappy with your other half, then have the courage to call the relationship off, so that you're free to date and, as a plus, not put your new lover (!) at risk from a pounding from an aggrieved partner!!
QuoteOriginally posted by Oni (view)
The same rules of faithfullness should apply to both males and females i.e. if you are in a relationship you should NOT play away from home (it's happened to me too many times in the past). If you're unhappy with your other half, then have the courage to call the relationship off, so that you're free to date and, as a plus, not put your new lover (!) at risk from a pounding from an aggrieved partner!!

You took the words right out of my mouth.
I feel the same way. The girl has a mind of her own, let her think for herself and call off the relationship if she feels she is being treated unfairly. Interfering makes you a jackarse as well.

I'm not saying you can't talk to her and tell you that you think that she is being treated badly but when it comes down to it, it is up to her.
*nod nod* hai
let me make sure im understanding u correctly, so youre saying that one should just wait for a girl to accept you and not do anything in the meantime. What about a guy's freedom to court whichever girl they fancy? afterall the girl is still single and you have every right to try and court her, old phrase: "alls fair in love and war"
If she is seeing a boyfriend, she is not "single" by my definition.
letsee...to me, if she has already a bf, then i might just make friends with her...i have no choice...if i try to squeeze with the two, then i might feel that i'm the bad one...if she wants me to be her bf, then that depends on the situation...:p

For the other question...it is ok to me if the one i like is older than me(but NOT that too old and NOT that too young)...:E