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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:56
Belldandy Gift

it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all

Topics Ah! My Goddess it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all
QuoteOriginally posted by kitori (view)
Its good to see people who have found true love =^-^= I wonder, they say that most people n the world will never find true love, or their soulmate, do you believe in that saying?

I don't, I think if you look hard enough you'll find that person, who says anything good comes easy, you have to earn it ^-^ I find a lot of people are settling for one kind of love now, 'money' and 'greed.' Obviously the greedy people don't outweigh the good people like us who look for the real thing ^-^ and not try to by ourselves love. However its not encouraging to see people submit to their own greed and marry someone with money/power. It's kinda sad that we develop that mentality, that the only way to live is to have money (well you need it for paying bills) but well, you know what I mean ^-^

yeah....marrying someone for their money is just wrong....

For true love is the only thing....... ^_^
and looks, looks can have a bit to do with it i suppose, but not much! looks have nothing to do with personality, a lot of the 'pretty girls' at my school are the really bitchy ones...
I have the best boyfriend in the world (for me) and it definitley didn't have to do anything with looks, well maybe i like dorky people but still, it's his personallity i fell in love with and it's what makes him so handsome
im a bit stuck with the looks thing, i really want to be with a nice kind girl, but i only notice and attracted to the nice looking ones. So the "less pretty" ones i wouldnt get to know even if they may be nice and kind.
I know that some of you might think im being unfair or a bit materialistic, but its the way iam at the moment.
oh ok...lol I guess so ^_^
However K1 has a point, people can't help but be attreacted to someone because of their looks ^-^ at first anyways. Thats a lesson that we learn over and over once we realise that some cute people out there are just strange/weird/dumb/rude/ or perhaps not ment for us, we go ahead and repeat the cycle. I remember in grade 7 when i had those terrible crushes on cute guys, then i found out one was a druggie, the other was gay, and the last one was into really creapy studd i dare not utter on this forum (not appropriate). Oh well but I found a wonderful guy now ^-^ Whom most of you knew as Itachi. He is so sweet! and when they say that when u love someone they seem 10 times prettier and its true :D! So looks, are a state of mind.
yeah, thats true there...
and i know what you mean too. the really pretty ones are the ones to turn heads but in my exp theyre also ones with prbs(greed, fame, wanting things from you that arent you etc.) the 'lesser' pretty ones, k1 pointed out, are often the most attractive. also like kitori said looks are just a state of mind.
im a true believer that beauty is skin deep, you look for the things that you are attracted to in life(good personlity for instance) and before you know it, there you have a connection of a sort, usually in the form of friendship and from there its up to you.
I know I said this somewhere in this forum before but here goes any way.
Beauty ultimately lies in the eye of the beholder, and is inextricably tied to perception.

I can though honestly say that Love more than screws with perception. My special someone does not carry the characteristics I thought she would, but I find now that these same characteristics are the ones I know designate as physical beauty.

I guess it is that hole growing together thing…