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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 03:51
Belldandy Gift

it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all

Topics Ah! My Goddess it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all
People over here in the UK still eat ice cream and it's cold all year round.:) Ice cream fan come round my area but I like to sit in a cafe to eat ice cream.
hope and love are your best bet for the chance to love. i speak from a point where i was alone for 7 years before i met the most wonderful person in my entire life!(sorry belldandy, shes better than you!)...ahem, anyways...
as i was saying, you may be alone for a while, but perseverance will be you best asset and hope. there is always that one person out there for someone, you just gotta know what your looking for and what your looking AT.
speaking about the topic, its better to have loved than to never have loved at all, though the cost of losing someone is something nobody would like to go through again. just a better incentive to fight and maintain your relationship than standby and let it die
*sigh* so sad keiichi...*sniffles*...yeah I agree with you..hmmmmmm
its good to see you on BAF now CyberKeiichi and i must say you made quite a post to get started on! bravo!
he must have lovesicked in there...and THATS hard...your love and your loved ones are far away while you are in the place where conflicts might ignite...wow...I salute you sarge!:)
thanks! id like to say that ive exp. quite alot in my life, i have no qualms to sharing my exp with other ppl
That's a hard one, I think. In the end both would have evolved, they would've gained a certain experience and the memory of the other would always be something to treasure. I can't imagine the pain of losing someone who means so much to you, though.
Thats what puts people down, and they just trap themselves away from life...because losing someone you love soo much, hurts.....they just feel like they should never love again because they dont want to end up the same way anymore....
At the moment I can't understand that, since I've never 'loved and lost', but I think it's a very normal reactions to something like that.
It is sad when u here stories about people 'dying of a broken heart' this does not just apply to lovers, but even a mother or father to a child. It's so sad when you here stories like that :(
about dying of a broken heart, id hate to see anyone go through that and i think i may have a feeling of what it may be like to even go through that...
the feeling that your heart has been ripped from your soul, forever screaming in the deepest depths of your mind while the pain just devours you slowly...i think thats a fitting description of the pain, dont you all?
but as much as friends and family are there for you supporting you all that they can, the strength comes from you as much as the support comes from them.
aww Keiichi you sound like you have gone through some heartaaches. As you said there is always family and friends to help you mend a broken heart. Which brings mr to a second point, its so cute when you see those who have gone through heartahce find true love ^-^ its so sweet and inocent.
I will admit for a long time that it was for the fear of a broken heart that I never “really” sought out love in my life. I was afraid that such a love may leave me lost and broken, a reality that I dare not want to face. However, I have found someone, and I am unabashed when I say that I love her. It is an amazing feeling, a thousand times what I thought it was, and I wonder who I was before I new such love. If I lost her I would cry, if she left me I would be angry but I would regret none of it. For it seems day by day more of my hopes lie in her
life just never fully comes to onew unless they reach out to grab it by the horns, it sounds scary believe me when i say this, but somethings in life are worth taking. and the rewards are more worth more than what you put in..
Its good to see people who have found true love =^-^= I wonder, they say that most people n the world will never find true love, or their soulmate, do you believe in that saying?

I don't, I think if you look hard enough you'll find that person, who says anything good comes easy, you have to earn it ^-^ I find a lot of people are settling for one kind of love now, 'money' and 'greed.' Obviously the greedy people don't outweigh the good people like us who look for the real thing ^-^ and not try to by ourselves love. However its not encouraging to see people submit to their own greed and marry someone with money/power. It's kinda sad that we develop that mentality, that the only way to live is to have money (well you need it for paying bills) but well, you know what I mean ^-^