I think he was better off to have met Belldandy. They both care about and protect each other. As the old saying goes, "The power of love conquers all!"
Sure they have had their mishaps but now Keiichi has a new place to live that is bigger, Megumi found the house she wanted. He stopped day dreaming about dating Sayoko. Belldandy being there made the Motor Club a little more popular over time. Until of course his senpai's drive people away.
If things stayed the way they were, Keiichi would still be living with his Senpai's, doing 100 pushups and 100 squats for each leg, being ordered around and stuff.
Belldandy being there not only made Keiichi's life better, but other people's lives got better too. I don't even want to think he would have to say goodbye to Belldandy. Besides in the movie, it's clear they would stay together forever. I love happy endings.:)