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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:07
Belldandy Gift

it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all

Topics Ah! My Goddess it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all
They say it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all. Do u think in keiichi's sake it would be better to never have met belldandy at all or to have met her and then lost her forever (long run/ short run)?
I think he was better off to have met Belldandy. They both care about and protect each other. As the old saying goes, "The power of love conquers all!"

Sure they have had their mishaps but now Keiichi has a new place to live that is bigger, Megumi found the house she wanted. He stopped day dreaming about dating Sayoko. Belldandy being there made the Motor Club a little more popular over time. Until of course his senpai's drive people away.

If things stayed the way they were, Keiichi would still be living with his Senpai's, doing 100 pushups and 100 squats for each leg, being ordered around and stuff.

Belldandy being there not only made Keiichi's life better, but other people's lives got better too. I don't even want to think he would have to say goodbye to Belldandy. Besides in the movie, it's clear they would stay together forever. I love happy endings.:)
I totally agree with Tails! It would be such a nightmare if K1 has never met Bell... He would live like a machine- does the same thing everyday...and his Senpai would always force him doing the things he doesn't want to...

As Bell comes, every thing changes and gets better, they love each other and enjoy themselves everyday. and I'm sure they will be with each other FOREVER... Love is the greatest thing out of all, and if they have faith, there's nothing they can't cope with..^^
Thats a tough question...because on one hand if you never met the person, how would you know how much better the situation was? If you had the oppotunity to taste the sweeter side (and by that I mean love) of life but only for a short time, and had to go back to the loveless life, it would definitely be a hard transition.

However in my own personal experiences I would rather had been loved then never at all, if only for a short time.
I think the people that said that is because they never knew the real love, anyone that really experience it knows that it is better to have loved, you know what I mean...
I want to feel real love. I keep going out with people, but I never get it right!
Love can't easily come to just anyone. There's got to be something special. Someone who likes to make you very happy and that you want to make that person happy too. Someone who makes you happy just being with that person. At least that's how I see it.
I think it is important to have felt loved and given love. So far we mention that feeling loved is important, but it is equally important to have given it to someone else. Love is metamorphasis at its best. It changes people to become better and gives us a sense of motivation to be the best and do the right things. It makes you feel good about yourself knowing that your making such a wonderful difference in someones life ^-^ and it gives you a deep link to that person because now you share a intimate understanding of one another, to achieve that level i don't think you have to have a boy friend or girlfrind, this can also apply between two close friends. love is complicated and deep. Keichi and Belldandy have a beautiful and intricate connection to one another. What's most wonderful is that you never stop falling in love, it gets deeper and you see that in Belldandy and Keichi's relationship as their love for one another strengthens into a unbraekable bond.
I want to give someone my love, but I haven't found anyone! I suppose it is just not the right time yet. After all I am only 16.
well i can say we all hope to find that someone one day..
Thank you! I'm glad to have so much support!
Although I would rush into that sort of stuff. I think people should do the stuff they want to do in life first before getting into relationships. My Mum wanted to do stuff life but relationships stop her. Unless of course your partner is understanding and let you do the stuff you want. Although if your partner is a good person, you might just have that person enjoying the stuff you like with you. Like traveling the world and stuff.:)
My mother is always saying we need to sow or wild oats (or something like that). Basically we just need to do what we want to first!
yes, but you must always remember that what you do is somthing that you trully want to do...
Never let anything stop you ^-^ like the fat count in icecream, who cares u might gain a pound if you eat it, if it taste good and makes you fell better, go for it! Sadly for me, living in Canada stops me from enjoying a good icecream, its too cold! Chicken soup and room temperature candy will have to do ^-^