I'm from Arizona, in the US!!! i've lived here all the long 17 years of my life... bleh!!! I really wish there was nice grass and trees and no worry about drought and running out of water... I might go to college in Wisconsin though! BRRRR!!!
as for the bush issue, sure it could be changed if there was a majority of the people in congress to vote for it (for him getting kicked out that is), but the congress is more republican then democrate and those greedy republican bigwigs will do anything to keep their high class rich white guy power. there are also some very uninformed americans. One of my friends is very smart but has grown up in a rich family ($150,000 a year is what his familys income is). He has no sense of perspective at all. It really pisses me off when people say that "everyone's born equal and everyone has a fair chance at life." what about the poor, and the mentally and physically disabled? what about minorities??? aarg!!!!:angry: :ang: