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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:02
Belldandy Gift

Boo =D

Ive finaly decided to get off my arse and post in the forums "tisk why am i so lazy" so heres a litle intro about me. =]

im 17 "nearly 18 yay" only started watching anime and reading manga since around about feb, mainly because college was boring and i wanted to find something to do.

The first anime series i watched was Elfen lied and after watching that i got hooked and wanted more, i kinda like anime which is quite violent but one day when i was watchin YAYstream on winampi saw AMG.

I dident like it at first but after watchin the first 5 episodes for somereason i kept wanting to watchin it wanting to know what was going to happen in the next episode.

so i ended up trying to find fan sites were i could find info about this series and i found BAF and saw it had a good comunity and decided to stick around.

I normaly dont post much on forums i normaly just read posts this normaly gets me kicked off forums =`[ but sometimes you mite get a convo outta me. ^^

i was also gonna upload a piccy i spent a long time cutting out in photoshop it was a piccy of Hild from the manga, but while i was looking up on that charictar i found the exact same image i was wokring on on wikipedia =[ all that time wasted.

wooo my first post hopefully i mite be able to stop being lazy and post some more =]
Yeah! A New Member, Welcome to Belldandy Angel Feathers, Enjoy your Stay! Also, Keep posting so you'll rank up and then will be able to access Premium Only Content! My Name is Kenneth and I am known here as Keonyx! Feel free to ask anything if you need help! Well then, Welcome Aboard!!
another member welcome!! hope you have a good time here
welcome to the site^^ i like how you made a long intor, wish all ppl did:P
im nesmaster102 but ppl call me nes or nessy. a lot of ppl here dont post a lot so dont feel bad about that.
hope you like it here and find out what you wanted to know:E
Welcome to BAF! Don't be too discouraged about the pic you were working on. So long as you put enough of your own personal touch into it, I'm sure it would be accepted into the gallery. People tend to do variations on the same image all the time, but that doesn't make them any less original since they have put their own work and effort into making it something else. The gallery here is one of the main things that attracted me to the site, and I always look forward to something new and fresh.
QuoteOriginally posted by MasterT (view)
Ive finaly decided to get off my arse and post in the forums "tisk why am i so lazy" so heres a litle intro about me. =]

im 17 "nearly 18 yay" only started watching anime and reading manga since around about feb, mainly because college was boring and i wanted to find something to do.

The first anime series i watched was Elfen lied and after watching that i got hooked and wanted more, i kinda like anime which is quite violent but one day when i was watchin YAYstream on winampi saw AMG.

I dident like it at first but after watchin the first 5 episodes for somereason i kept wanting to watchin it wanting to know what was going to happen in the next episode.

so i ended up trying to find fan sites were i could find info about this series and i found BAF and saw it had a good comunity and decided to stick around.

I normaly dont post much on forums i normaly just read posts this normaly gets me kicked off forums =`[ but sometimes you mite get a convo outta me. ^^

i was also gonna upload a piccy i spent a long time cutting out in photoshop it was a piccy of Hild from the manga, but while i was looking up on that charictar i found the exact same image i was wokring on on wikipedia =[ all that time wasted.

wooo my first post hopefully i mite be able to stop being lazy and post some more =]

nice...nice banner....nice avatar....welcome here mr.nice guy.......i mean masterT
Same ritual for every new member:
Welcome ^_^ Welcome ^_^ Welcome ^_^
YAY A NEW MEMBEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

welcome welcome! i hope you have a nice stay and don't hesitate asking if you need some help! :)
he he so many nice people ^_^
Welcome aboard to BAF MasterT!! i'm Yngwie Malmsteen II!! and i'm known here as Wolfwood or Wolfie!! enjoy your stay here!! ok??
QuoteOriginally posted by Wolfwood (view)
Welcome aboard to BAF MasterT!! i'm Yngwie Malmsteen II!! and i'm known here as Wolfwood or Wolfie!! enjoy your stay here!! ok??

>>>shuddup yer dreamin'....

anyway...welcome to AF MasterT...