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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:04
Belldandy Gift

Loosing a good friend

Topics Misc Loosing a good friend
Ganbatte Naryu, never lose hope as you can see there are good people in this world, you just have to find them.
May the three goddesses smile on you!
indeed. i wish u luck too nayru.
you guys..are the best. no matter what happens we will all be there for each other. because we all are like a big family, right? no one will put each other down. and we will comfort each other. you gus are better than all my other friends. to me you are all like angels
aww that's so nice naryu!yea we are just one big famili we are
I agree.:) Well I hope that things don't end up worse for you Nayru. When I tried to stop myself getting bullied, things got worse. Although things might be better for you. Considering the different circumstances.

Good luck!
oh dear, i hope you're not still being bullied now Tails. Never give up, every person on this earth have a right to be free of such troubles.

to all the troubled souls out there, whatever happens never lose your love and respect for yourself!

and in reply to Naryu's recent post, yes we're all one big happy family here, we may be miles and miles apart but we're together in spirit!
and also,... me an angel!? oh! now that explains this glowing aura and wings! lol :bg: but at the moment i feel more lika fallen angel
i think we are all fallen angels. and all that we need to do is help each other get back to heaven...or hell, whichever, is to stay with each other. so yes, i think we have a spiratuall connection, a very strong one to.
yes sis is right we are her to protect people and friends no matter if heaven in hell pulls us in a diffrent drection because we will alwai's be here to help everione
those are real moving words there Angelfeathers! would u like to join my secret special task force to rid the world of all evil?
lol ok dad
count me in!:)
Well I'm not getting bullied now. I never get out of the house. There's not enough money to get us anywhere at all. Only once in a while do I get anywhere. I can thank that jerk who lived with us for that....:( Just so I can shame him, his name is Mike Holmes.

I still have self respect at least. I was really happy when he left. Though my Mum was unhappy at the time. I helped her get through the depression. Thank god she finally got over him.....

We even had to let his brothers live with us. It was no picnic I'll tell you that. His older brother David was discusting. He used our computer to chat up woman in chatrooms and said extremely dirty things in them right in front of me and my sister. Eventually, he got someone and lived with her. He used her to get stuff and he was chatting up woman on the internet in her house too. He's isn't even good looking. After Mike left, David tried to make his move on Mum. She is discusted by him and turned him down. Thank god. I mean the guy isn't even polite. when he lived with us, he holds his cup out to Mum and doesn't even say "Can I have a cup of coffee please?". He stays silent while holding it out. He doesn't say thank you when he gets it. He also leaves half smoked cigarettes in the cups. Yuck!

His brother Brian was worse. Not only did he have discusting habits, He STINKS!!! He smells so bad it almost made my Mum faint.... He also smokes hash/weed and drinks. He had to sleep on the couch/sofa and my Mum threw it away after he left. He was with us for 3 months. He was a control freak too.

We also had Mike's son live with us at one point. He is NUTS!!!! He shoplifts, he robbed old woman in their homes, takes drugs and god only knows what else. He even tried to murder Mike, his own dad. Mike never done anything to stop it. In fact, he ate the stuff he stole knowing they were stolen. Thank God Mum made a stand and demanded for him to be kicked out of the house..... He was also in the news paper for murdering someone. He even beat up woman too! He is now in a maximum security prison now.

Don't think we are are a family of trouble makers, Mike's family were the trouble makers. My mum is a good person. She was just blinded be love. She said she will never date anyone again. She got put off by Mike.

I haven't even mentioned everything that happened either. I'll say another day if anyone is interested.

All these events left scars though. Once we were well off, now we are poor. It takes every penny Mum has to pay for everything. The cable tv and internet are the only things we have to keep us indoors. My big Brother sends us stuff for our Birthdays and Christmas'. That's how I have games. I love my Brother.:love:
oh no! such a terrible ordeal you hav to go through Tails!

(WHY IN HEAVENS NAME MUST SUCH TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE!? (looks up into the sky) WHYYYYY? i really hate such injustices in this world)
Tails i have to sai this:well you mai onli kno me as me but life is messing with you don't let it pull you down never ever fall in hells hands when someone pushes you down you must jump back up to keep strong and stai who you are your a brave person don't fool people in to thinking your weak because as i can see your realli strong person trust me you have angels out there looking out for you and us at baf are just a few of them i kno your life is messed up but your real strong about things and you can control these things so as i sai keep strong stai strong because we have your back.............
yah (grabs hole british army) im ready to wtch out fur yall!! (pulls out ak47) even if it means i gotta get my hands dirty!!