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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:04
Belldandy Gift

Loosing a good friend

Topics Misc Loosing a good friend
yea don't worri tails when people want to push you down you jump back up
I always will stick by what I believe in. I'm proud that I refused a smoke, drink and drugs. I don't regret it. :) Well I wouldn't I had anyone who wanted me dead.....

I also got bullied by my Mum's ex boyfriend...... He also bullied my Mum and sister too. You know the kind of person that's a control freak? Well he was worse. He was not a sane person. He took control of everything in the house..... Whenever the heat was too high for us, (He made it that high) we try to open the window and he doesn't allow it. He comes in the room when people are watching tv and he changes the channel without warning and tells everyoone not to touch it. Then he leaves the room five minutes after AND WE STILL AREN'T ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT!!! He also drove me, my Mum and my Sister in my bedroom and we locked ourselves in. He tried battering down the door everytime we did that. Me and my Sister stood up to him all the time. He drove my big Brother away and we were all close to him. I miss him very much..... Alot more stuff happened to me and my family but that would take weeks to write.... But that guy is gone now, that's a good thing.

My Mum used to have a lot of money and when he came into our lives, we are very poor now.... We have to rely on my big Brother to send money from America to survive.....
oh no poor Tails! how awful!
is that b*st*ard still living in your home? cant u call the cops on him if he's hurting u?
Be strong Tails, good things come to good people! we'll be with you all the way in mind and spirit!
holy s*** tales that guy is nuts, if he was living with me i would have called the cops on him or canned him so hard his balls would have exploded... or something like that. but no one can control me, not even my mom:sheep: witch sometimes can be bad for me cas i dont really listen to her anymore. i dont yell at her or hurt her, i just dont listen at all to her. i still clean the house and do what needs to be done, but when she tells me to say "go to school" i just look the other way.-_-
that's a bit like my grandpa I mean he wasn't a controll freak he just touched me in the...... wrong, innapropriet places, he scared me so much and i never wanted to be in the same room alone with him, but it always happened and he still does it now and he even did a bit of it to my friend, and well i am still very young to have felt that stuff and now I hate him and whenever we have to visit him i feel like it's a visit to hell:sarc: :bash: :bash: :help: :help: ;_; ;_; :mope:
well life is scrwed up now adai's soo i see whi things like this are happening but if people hate it whi don't thei take real action instead of saying oh please stop like is just bull now
I know but you don't know how hard it is because he is my grandpa and I respected him all my life and he's harrassing me, badly.....;_; ;_; ;_;
Your Grandpa treats you like that!? I would stay away too....

Well that guy is away now. I think it was 2 years ago. For some reason, my Mum still loved him.... She got so ill from depression and ended up in hospital. She finally got over him while she was in there. She thought to herself that she shouldn't be like this and she finally doesn't want him back. We were stuck with him for eight long years...... One thing after another made life hell.....
im glad that things have changed for the better for you Tails. no need to worry the nightmare is over.

Naryu, i dont mean to pry in other peoples business, but shouldn't you try to do something to stop it? maybe tell someone about? seems that no good can come from it if it goes on like it is, if its because of your respect/love for your grandpa thats preventing you, shouldnt you think that its about time you prevent him from going any further down the wrong path?
Anyways, good luck Naryu
yes dad is right something like that should be delt with bi someone that you kno who can help becaue it can just keep getting worser and worser untill he's soo stuck on doing it because he kno's your not going to do anitihing
that's the worst part bout most bully's and people who r mean to u. if they think that ur not going to do anything then they will just continue.

nayru. it's not right at all what ur grandpa is doin. a good idea would be to tell him that if he loved u he wouldn't be doing that to u. i know it's hard cause u dont want him mad at u...i know how it feels to have grandparents that r mad at u. mine died before i could say srry to them. but u have to tell him. do u want to feel as if it's hell every time u go near him? and he may not be round fur much longer...trust me when i say that u would feel as if it was ur fault entirely if he were to die and u never got the chance to actually enjoy being around him. honestly it's the worst feeling ever and i dont think u deserve it.
i kno what you mean sis if that was to happen to me i would feel like hell like this man dosen't realli love me because what he's doing is just wrong
i completely agree with what Noble Scarlet said, life's too short for one to be burdened with regrets and what ifs.
you guys are right I gotta tell him to stop if not i'll tell on him. thanks you guys....I'm glad there good people in this world:)
good and thanks we alwai's want all our friends to be safe