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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:04
Belldandy Gift

Loosing a good friend

Topics Misc Loosing a good friend
Lots of aquaintances, few friends. all my life i've moved around, every couple years dad would get stationed somewhere else, and when i finally settled in one spot, all the good friends i made eventually moved away. But the good times i had are worth the loss, it would have been a sad life without them. When i think on all the stupid dangeous wonderfull things we did, the hot lazy days of doing nothing, the parties, the fights, nervous tension and careless bliss....yes, a sad life without all my long lost friends.
yea kinda makes you think at times that life was ment to be this wai and it was kinda ment to be this wai don't you think that when something bad happens it's a sign or a warning? or is that onli me?
It could be a warning, yes. But if you look at it like something bad will happen continually. then you won't gain any enjoyment. Do you see what I mean? Let's put it this way. Bad things happen for a reason, at least that's how I feel. However, if one continually looks back at the bad things in life, that is all you will be able to see; the bad things.

Life is meant to be the way one makes it out to be. One life is sad, another is happy, but it's that way because they make it out to be that way.
oh i never thought of it like that because to some people thei think it's a waring that something good is going to happen to this person because he or she is going to a better place and you won't have to worri about him or her hmm i have no opinon on this because i don't kno what to sai about this
personally i feel that bad things happen because the forces of evil have gotten stronger than the force of good at that particular time and it's up to good people like us to keep on going and overcome it to beat that evil.
Another explanation i have , especially with regard to myself, is that a bad thing happened as a test to prepare me for something ahead or a form of punishment for something i've done wrong even. But that is just my case!
yea when things happen like that it's like bad "mojo" a bad potion or a bad mix that mess ya up and you can't focus because it's like an image that won't go awai soo quickli and you'll have to fight your wai from seeing it as if it was a extra pound of pain to your life
yes but if u think bout it, in the end u might have learned the way out of the mess. so if it happens again...u wont have such a hard time. at the moment im like younger than the majority of the members in here...and i've lost tons of friends...some because i got pissed over something stupid, others cause they got pissed, or i have a friend that i'll never ever see again because our mums got into a huge fight. but...if all this is happening cause of an increasing evil rate...wouldn't good things be happenning to me instead ( cause im evil...) or maybe the good is increasing and most ppl are just bad...hmmm...something to think about...anyways, now ill be quite honest with yall, at the moment, no one in my school actually fit into my close friend profile. i swear that im the only person who is in love with anime other than what comes onto the regular tv stations. so now im like the wandering spirit with no real purpose...which i guess means that i cant lose anymore good friends cause i dont really have any. ( that i can trust or actually feel comftorble wasting my pitiful time with...except fur dance lessons, everyone's real nice there...) ive now come to the conclusion that i can get along with ppl who r older than me than i do with ppl my age ^^ anyways...ive kinda come off topic, so ill stop typing and just say that as long as u have ppl who u enjoy spending ur time with, u shouldn't fret bout losing someone, it happens and never will stop...never
well noble i know how you feel in school yea people think i'm weird because i like anime i draw a lot i don't like to go to there parties because i know what thei are going to do there and it's not like i realli want to do that stuff because when you drink and some it's like you want to kill your self and mi school is like hell i dislike going there and seeing peoples faces evri dai all the people i just don't like and the people that are distrusted and all mi friends i just feel weird around like i have no one who is like me in school but mi "friends" thei keep buggin me and saying that i should stop drawing and stop watching that anime crap and start hanging out with them and be more like them i alwai's wind up asking mi self whi won't thei leave me the hell i am and just accept me the wai i am when i go to the mall i have to run because when thei look at mi shopping bag's it's either games or some anime books and thei wil take them and then i will have to beat them up to get it back .............. it's times like these i feel hated that's whi i alwai's sai "I live in mi own personal heaven in hell" that's just the wai i feel at times...........
i completely understand and empathize with you two Noble and Angel. i too feel like a lonely soul, in many ways too and not just being a lone anime fan.
yea life here is really like an hell to me pressure and having to be in even though i don't want to it's a ton of pressure here
well it's not like all of my friends pester me bout the anime stuff...but u can see it in there eyes that they dont like it...and u can see it in everybodys eyes that they think im some kind'a wierd alien, even in the teachers eyes. that's y i say that im the wandering spirit ( wandering spirit wanders around cause it's looking for it's rightful place in life...) cause sometimes i feel as if there has to be something better other than where i am. i swear my life used to be so much better! but then...everything fell apart. evrything still is i guess...i swear that it's u guys that r keeping me from sliting my wrist
I know only too well how you all feel. I got bullied for watching Pokemon or any other anime. Some tried to make me Drink, smoke and take drugs. I said no without a second thought. They tried to fix me up with people because I do not date anyone and never will. They made rumors of me being gay but that isnt true. They tried to stick dirty magazines in my face since I HATE nudity. Of course I got angry and punched a hole in the magazine. I got my toe stood on but it was finally out of my way.
They even bullied me because I have long hair and that I was so polite and naive and that I dont swear..... They took advantage of me and made me say dirty thing and I did not know what they meant..... I would not repeat what they made me say.....

I had this teacher who I despised and he was not so nice to me. I got me really angry one day and I was crying with frustration. By my next class a teacher asked what was wrong, I told her and thing went downhill from there. He found out and was trying to get me in trouble with the headteacher. I said to his face that I hate him. That was my last words to him. I left my school before I could get in more trouble. That was almost 3 years ago. I never went to a school after that. I was in 3rd year in high school. This all happened in one school. My life was hell in all the other ones.
damn that is a very hard to live through if someone offers you a smoke that's like them telling you that thei want you to die now it's crap i tell you
Tails, you should feel proud that u have resisted all of those bad things and have stuck by what u believed in, it takes a strong person to do that, BRAVO!

It's also very bad when your parents dont understand your love for anime, i mean they are your parents, so theyre different to the people who u can just ignore or push aside. its pretty tough.
Fortunately my siblings are also anime fans!
oh i'm so proud of you my papa!!!!!! ^^ you spoke french!!! ^^ lol!

yea Tails... don't fall back! stick on what you believe in! ^^