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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:53
Belldandy Gift

Loosing a good friend

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well i just wanted to kno how you felt when you lost a good friend that was all wai's there for you in life i remember i had a friend and he was soo nice to me and was alwai's there for me and was close to me and would never do something bad to me if he did he would feel bad and do everithing to make it up but sadli one dai something bad happened to him and he didn't talk to me for a full month then he came back we had a good talk togeather and his last words to me where "i love ya hope to see you again soon!" and he never came back i was heart broken and sad because of what happened and it was heartbreaking for me but at times it feels good to talk about it and express what has happened to you in your past and help people out you kno
You must have been really close to him. It's always hard to loose your best friend.... Hope you meet him soon. He might have problems in his life stopping him. I promised my friends I would come backs to see them but I haven't seen them for 2 years. Money problems are what is stopping me.
yea but i will vist him soon as soon as we talk to each other soon i kno he will come back and talk to me he would never leave me like this for such a long time i hope he comes back and tells me he's ok and that he just had to disapear for a reason and will be mi close friend again
... he probably fell in love with you angel... ^^ that's why he went away... :heh:

actually, i don't have a best friend, and i make sure it doesn't happen... the last best friend i had lives too far away from me so in the end we don't talk mush together and we ended up not being as close to each other as we were when we were kids... sometimes it's hard to not have a person we trast to talk about my problems or what's on my mind... but i prefer it that way then telling my whole life to someone that i might loose.
think about it angel, was he really worth it? i bet he was just a waste of time and was playing with your mind just to wreck your life. he was probably cold and heartless and had no respect for women. if i were you, i'd write him an angry email and forget all about him, its for the best that way, if you wanna be happy, just get rid of him for good!
^^ that's a point of view of the situation urd... ^^ hehe...
A best Friend huh??? Well, I have lots of best friends in school...after high school of course they are going to go their own way but maybe we'll meet in the future....But other than that tsunami and belldandy has always been two of my best friends......
oh... i'll be loosing too many friends after high school too... ;_;
yea well i never looked at it that wai but he was soo close to me and he just poofed awai from mi life and was never to be seened again it's kinda heart breaking to think about it though
i know how you feel Angel, i too have lost touch with many friends as we all continue with changes in our lives. As you live on people come in and go out of your life but accepting it is the most difficult thing. Even now i couldnt believe i havent spoken to some of my friends for well over 5 years.
However if you are true good friends then im sure you will meet again someday. If not and the person didnt have you at heart then the separation is probably for the better.
I like to think of it this way, if you truly value the friendship and keep the memories in your heart and it is likewise for the other person, then in a way the person is still there beside you.
Friends come and go but don't forget the possibility of better friendships on the horizon.
well i am trying to get over it but i can't it's like his memory is glued to me and i can never forget him it's like a painful scare it will go awai but the painful memories withh stai with you forever
I've never really lost a friend, though losing a family member can be just as painful. However, even with the loss, I will continue to cherish every memory I spent with everyone I met. By doing this, keeping all of the sad memories, happy ones, and seemingly irrevelent ones, makes me feel whole.
So, try keeping all of your memories and never let them go because you can't really change the past, but maybe there is a future of happiness that you can create from the sadness and emptiness in your heart.
well loosing a famili member is a hard thing to go through it's like hell kinda because he/she was soo close to you and was like some that you thought would never go awaiand would be bi your side forever and would alwais be there to guide you through life
i agree with that angel... one of my older cusins died last summer... and it was really hard for the whole familly to go though it, and it is still hard because we all still have the reflex of thinking he would be there for Christmas of for any other familly meeting... he was so young... he would have had 22 years old in October... :s ah well.... have to continue living...
yea life is a hard thing to go through and the things that happen to you you will never forget as maman said for her famili member she lost to me it seemed like she thought she could of did something to prevent this from happening