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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:10
Belldandy Gift

Season 2 - Episode 22

Topics Ah! My Goddess Season 2 - Episode 22
Did if feel like it is the last episode?

Seemed like episode 21 was much more powerful to me >_>
I just finished watching episode 22 as well. I can see what you are trying to say, though if they ended the series with episode 21, they'd really leave a lot of people going nuts to find out why Hild was with Keichi. I thought episode 22 wasnt a bad way to end the series, as there was the whole grand gesture of love thing going on. The ending with the date 5 years later was pretty sweet, if not slightly cliched. I do think there could be better ways to end the series however. In the 1st season, there was some huge chain of events that occured that the last couple of episodes in the 2nd seasoned lacked (not that that is a bad thing though...just saying).

I do however, question the wisdom of introducing this whole time-traveling story at the end, just because of the paradoxes that always occur in time travel movies. For example, the predictable questions of how come Keichi did not already know Belldandy when he first met her, seeing as how they met in the past, etc etc. Though it was a nice story, I do think they could've resolved this whole time traveling thing MUCH better and avoid too many loose ends. Maybe some kind of memory wipe or some way to justify Keichi not knowing them from before. Though that would render the entire trip to the past redundant if they were just going to wipe all his memory of dealing with the Goddesses and Hild anyway. I don't know...time travel stories always leave too many loopholes but I guess they can get away with it, seeing as how this is the last episode.
There has been some speculation as to whether or not this is truly the series ender. I certainly hope not, since it keeps me in business longer :=, but I think there is a distinct possiblity that the show will continue, the guy who runs it just wanted to work on other projects first.
2nd season ending was kinda messy too much for me i still dont get it
all this thinking of time travel always make my head jammed in some point
if he met her in the past that would change the present witch he knows her there already and didnt know her about the wish witch means if he did know her before that he wouldnt ask her to stay with him forever i think and it would change the whole relationship happened till that episode and all that would lost
correct me please so ill understand the ending

Did she delete his memory?

edit: hehe i didnt thought that i could miss it
i never miss that but this time i did
hes memory has been erased but he did remember something about 5 years
he met her in the past but he did not remember that :)
is episode 22 is the end of 2nd season??
i've just order vcd from store and the storekeeper said that he dont know how many episode there is in 2nd season..

i cant wait a call from the shop to tell me when i can have the cd @(^(oo)^)@
Yeah 22nd episode is the last for season 2
but some say they will add more 2 + 2 dvds
K1's memory loss might be a 'nod' to the original Oh! My Goddess OVA's where K1 did indeed meet Bell when he was a lot younger but had his memory erased... I hope that the extra eps on the dvd's show K1's parents and home town as well as some real progression of his and Bell's relationship. His home town and his parents should be a significant event for them and is the perfect backdrop for the long over due 'animated kiss' between the two.
Keiichi's parents appeared in the ending song. I wonder if that means that they're also gonna appear in the extra episodes too.

But the whole Parents arc seems to be able to stretch more than 2 episodes though.
yeah that's right - it was quite a long nice story arc, which made a bit of a fresher as well ... new characters and stuff like that!!