Hmm. Tough choice between psychokinesis and teleportation. Either one would make life easier is so many ways (I believe psychokinesis would also allow a person to be able to move him/herself with their mind, and thus be able to fly, so that one would be a twofer:p)
I remember making up an uber superhero when I was younger, whom I called 'Wraith'. He could teleport(though not very often and only for very short distances as it required a LOT of energy for him), fly, pass through solid objects (which also doubled as a 'ghost mode' where he was not detectable by infared), turn invisible, and the usual superhero powers of increased strength and reflexes. The weakness I gave him was that strong electromagnetic fields messed with some of the brain waves that allowed him to teleport, move things with his mind(etc.) Leaving him with only his strength and reflexes, which weren't that much greater than the norm.
Hopefully that doesn;t throw the topic off track too much :sheep: