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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:16
Belldandy Gift


Hi! I've known about this site since March, but havn't been able to register until now. Lots of things that need to be taken care of the past few months and I don't like to become involved in something until I can give it my full attention. I'm fairly new to anime, though I have really grown to like the Ah! My Goddess series and especially Belldandy. I admit I'm a bit bashful when it comes to posting, however, I do try to be helpful and productive whenever possible :).
Well welcome to the site!!! I'm no where new to anime so if you need me to point you to some new shows just send me a note.
Thanks. So far AMG is the only one I've really taken to, but I'm sure others will grow on me:).I was planning to upload some screencaps I've taken from late season 1/early season 2, but I don't know how limited I am on uploads since I am new. I'll be taking more screencaps once I get the RAWS for episode 3 onward. Working around subtitles is annoying -_-. Also, I can just add to an album rather than creating a new one right? Sorry if its a dumb question, but I'm not sure how things work on this site yet.
WElcome aboard Nighthawk!! i;m Wolfwood!! you can call me wolfie!!

enjoy the stay!!! adios!!!
(whew! new people new people new people!!!! XD)

welcome on BAF night!!! :D
i wish you a pleasant stay

and if you have a problem just ask though pm or on the forum ^_^
Thank you again for the welcome ^_^. Downloading the RAWS for 7,8,9 right now. Right now most of my screencaps are face shots of Belldandy from earlier episodes in the 2nd season( I didn't think you guys would mind, but I thought I would add more variety, and Peorth of course).
Hi there NH.Thats what Ill call ya cuz its shorter ^^.If thats ok?Welcome to BAF & I hope u like it here.So I take it u like Peorth alot?lol.
Cool name by the way^^.And very kawaiii*cute* Belldandy avatar^^.
Hello, you´re going to have great times here, for sure!!
(Thanks. So far AMG is the only one I've really taken to, but I'm sure others will grow on me.I was planning to upload some screencaps I've taken from late season 1/early season 2, but I don't know how limited I am on uploads since I am new. I'll be taking more screencaps once I get the RAWS for episode 3 onward. Working around subtitles is annoying . Also, I can just add to an album rather than creating a new one right? Sorry if its a dumb question, but I'm not sure how things work on this site yet.)

I know how it feels to be new here i wish i had someone to help me out, but you are in luck because i will help you out. If you go to My Home under Menu you should see a User Quota. That is pretty much your limit on sumiting stuff, the best advise i can give you is keep leaving comments. The more angel feathers you get the better, you will get more access to things. Well i hope this help's a little if at all.
Is the quota total or daily/weekly? Goku: Belldandy is my favorite, but I have a feeling Peorth caps are in high demand ;), and NH is fine. It is my username just about everywhere, so if you see it, it's me. My avatar pics is one of the images I hope to upload by the way, since I havn't seen it in the galleries so far.
QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
Hi! I've known about this site since March, but havn't been able to register until now. Lots of things that need to be taken care of the past few months and I don't like to become involved in something until I can give it my full attention. I'm fairly new to anime, though I have really grown to like the Ah! My Goddess series and especially Belldandy. I admit I'm a bit bashful when it comes to posting, however, I do try to be helpful and productive whenever possible :).

very cute avatar....welcome here enjoy your stay
QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
Is the quota total or daily/weekly? Goku: Belldandy is my favorite, but I have a feeling Peorth caps are in high demand ;), and NH is fine. It is my username just about everywhere, so if you see it, it's me. My avatar pics is one of the images I hope to upload by the way, since I havn't seen it in the galleries so far.

Screencaps uploaded! They are not in chronological order, something I might fix later. I'm pretty sure that none of them are duplicates, but if there are any just let me know and I will promptly remove them.
wow...new member! XD

Welcome and enjoy yourself! ^_^ If you have problems, just contact us for help... ~_^
Thank you for the welcome Lanz! I'm glad that you guys are enjoying the screens :). I will probably be able to upload screens from episode 10 when the raw comes out next week, but due to my low quota I'm afraid that after that I won't be able to upload any more images for a while. If there are any images that nobody seems to care for I might remove them to make room, but I'd rather not have to do that.