Welcome to the site, Nighthawk. Enjoy your stay here
Screencaps for episode 10 are up! I shrunk them by about 20% so I could fit more, which should also make them a little clearer when enlarged. Enjoy!
Wow, Those Screenshots you Uploaded are Great! What Software do yo use for Screen Capture?
I use BS Player to watch the shows, and it has a screencap feature with it. The only annoying thing is that sometimes it will show extra information in the pic, like the one of Peorth in the washroom with "Pause" in the corner. In case you don't know which one I'm talking about: http://www.angel-feathers.com/preview_4728.html I shrank the pics using Roxio Photsuite since Photoshop wasn't cooperating with me. Thanks for the compliments :).
Just wondering, is the screencap feature in BS Player a pro feature or is it avalaible in the free version.
The free version. A word of warning though, is that you are required to have another program with the free version called "When U Save", that could be spyware. My computer doesn't have an internet connection anymore so I'm not as concerned, but be cautious. It also means I have to shuttle episodes from another computer to mine on a disk and then upload the screencaps from a USB key, but I don't really mind.
Also, you think you can upload caps from ep 11 next week Ace? Unless I remove some pics from my album or resize them all, I won't be able to upload anymore until I reach Premium :(.
Good word of warning about free versions, particularly "when u save" is an adware program that will open pop-ups (or typically does, it installs with Bearshare P2P too). It's not a particularly bad program and easy to get rid of (control panel> add/remove, or almost any anti-spy/adware program will detect it).
But, I'm a little ahead of myself since I haven't even said hello yet, so, Hello! Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay! ^_^
If you're talking about playing ogm files and dvd stuff, BS player is terrible. Not only that, but it comes with ad ware! Who the heck wants that on their computer!?
So as a cop out to the adware , I use zoom player standard. It works great and it's super easy to use. Plays ogm files fine. I hope I was of some help here.
Thanks for the info. I've never been all that happy having to use BS Player, but it's all I've had, and all I could find when I got it. I'll try Zoom Player out. Thanks again!
hmm well when i try to play it on zoom player it comes up error hmm can you help me ^_^
Not really sure if I can, sorry. You can try PMing PinkPunk. I did notice a crisper picture when playing the widescreen versions, but not so much the fullscreens. I didn't see any difference in picture quality when i ss the same scene with BS and Zoom players from a fullscreen episode. I would recommend it though since it is adware free, so thanks PinkPunk for pointing it out for me.
as i have said in other topics, use vlc http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ my fav player and basically only thing i use. also please keep this talk in proper place http://www.angel-feathers.com/thread_1197_0.html thanks^^.
back to topic, Welcome to the site, be a good member and keep uploading pics and you will be very welcome here
Ah, i absolutly hate spyware! (Who doesn't!), my main OS Win98 fortunatly has no internet connection but still, i find it silly to even have something that supports spyware.
And sorry, my screencaping is relegated to season 1 and specfic shots for now (I have nearlly filled my quota.)
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