(Thanks. So far AMG is the only one I've really taken to, but I'm sure others will grow on me.I was planning to upload some screencaps I've taken from late season 1/early season 2, but I don't know how limited I am on uploads since I am new. I'll be taking more screencaps once I get the RAWS for episode 3 onward. Working around subtitles is annoying . Also, I can just add to an album rather than creating a new one right? Sorry if its a dumb question, but I'm not sure how things work on this site yet.)
I know how it feels to be new here i wish i had someone to help me out, but you are in luck because i will help you out. If you go to My Home under Menu you should see a User Quota. That is pretty much your limit on sumiting stuff, the best advise i can give you is keep leaving comments. The more angel feathers you get the better, you will get more access to things. Well i hope this help's a little if at all.