I like to draw but I need a little help. So far all I have done this year are paintings on the computer. I don't have anything were I can upload my pics and I need one badly, because if I upload them like say one is on my documents and I show it to you guys here. Somethimes you guys won't be able to see it that's why i need a place to upload my pics. For the painting I have only made about four that are realy good. Also I want to be a good drawer so i can have a carrer and what not so I was wondering if anyone has any sites were you go on to help you with your drawings. And for the last and finally thing if you can't see the paintings for what ever reason I apoligize for the in convince.
C:Documents and SettingsNandieDesktopPaintingsBubbles.GIF
C:Documents and SettingsNandieDesktopPaintingsHouse 1st floor.bmp
C:Documents and SettingsNandieDesktopPaintingsCrazy Shapes.GIF
C:Documents and SettingsNandieDesktopPaintingsHouse 2nd floor.bmp
C:Documents and SettingsNandieDesktopPaintingsHouse Decor.bmp
P.S: Tell me what you think of them KA!