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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:18
Belldandy Gift

Difference between this and the manga?

Topics Ah! My Goddess Difference between this and the manga?
Could someone please tell me the differences between this and the manga?

That's a fairly complicated question to answer, but I'll give it a shot. It basically follows the stories in the manga, but in different orders. That is mostly because the first year of time in the manga only spans 15 or so chapters, which put the anime writers in a bit of a bind I think. Various things from later in the manga were thrown in to fill in the gaps in the story. They tend to go by story arcs: single stories that span a few chapters. The most recent episode, 19, takes material from chapters 52 and 53 in the manga. Bdiah made a spreadsheet laying out wich chapters correspond to which episodes, but I don't feel comfortable sending it to you without his permission.

If that doesn't answer your question let me know and I'll give it another shot.

Another thing I will add is that I in my screenshot albums I try to explain everything as clearly as possible so that newcomers can get a good grasp of what is going on, and I tend to throw in links to maga chapters that episode (or portion of it) relates to. So you can look at the links there to get an understanding of the relationship the manga and the series have.
Another one is that one is like a motion picture and the other is a comic...... I just had to say it @_@
That's a good question I always to thought they were skipping alot of the fillers and made the series out of the main story line of the manga.