I love to dress conservative and elegent (and fun days too!) not stufy and boring, but tastful with current fashion. ^-^ For example, one of my favorite skirts goes down a little past mid shin and it has a nice slit thsat runs up. Its so lovely, its meditoranian inspired and I wear it every chance i get :D When it comes to dresses I only own one I got last year as a gift for my sixteenth birthday. Its from Envy and I believe it is european inspired.. Its strapless, made from black silk and the hem is flowy and and a slanted vertical. It has a few shots of slanted vertical pink lones that give the dress dememnsion. Its very lovely ^-^ I'd like to think i dress like the italians/europeans because i find they have the loveliest taste in clothing and dress the nicest because they look very chic and appealing without showing off every body part to the world!
For example i couldnt stand those pleted mini skirts that came out. I dont think i went a day without being flashed at least twice. And the low rise pants came out (hip huggers) Their great when you wear them right, but awful and disastress when you wear them way to low for your body to the point we get 'plummer butt action' every time you bend the slightest. Thos pants are designed to enhance your body to make your toros longer not show off butt clevage.
lol sorry, Im going on too much ^-^' I just love cloths! Not to mention I was the writer of the beauty columb at school so its habbit :D