AAAARRRRRGGGG, ending, like ENDING THEME. You know, the credits and the music that plays with them. Not the way the show ends in the last episode. Don't go around throwing out spoilers. You probably just ruined the end of Wolf's Rain for a lot of people here (Sadly... I know at least one).
*SPOILERS for the live action movie the Sixth Sense*
That's like telling someone who hasn't seen the Sixth Sense "oh yeah, the main character is this dead psychiatrist trying to help a little boy who sees ghosts, but he doesn't know he's dead until the very end."
Please, either include a warning on your post or only post stuff like that in a thread that says *SPOILERS* on it.
I'm not trying to bite your head off, but please be considerate and realize that not everyone may have seen the whole thing yet (especially since it hasn't been officially released in entirety yet in the US and Canada)