Well, that and a great many other things. After all America did negotiate at gunpoint in the 1800's with Japan over trade agreements. And the constant petty crimes committed by American tourists and some servicemen don't help. Unfortunately, the accidental killings of Japanese students here in the U.S. did much to scare Japanese tourists from visiting, believing that every American carries a gun. If you look at Americans in anime from the Japanese point of view, we are an arrogant, selfish, loud, uncouth, perverted, dirty, foul-mouthed, "look at us the wrong way and we will bomb you and your country into dust",bunch of cowardly jerks. Very few anime characters that are American are considered even halfway decent. Even Tina from "Ai Yori Aoshi" is no exception, and she's considered an "average" portrayal of young Americans. Oh well, maybe one day the good qualities we really DO have will come out.