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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:39
Belldandy Gift

IS Ah! my godess a Girl's or Guy's Anime

Topics Ah! My Goddess IS Ah! my godess a Girl's or Guy's Anime
Lots of anime is aimed at girls...

Boys over Flowers springs to mind.

World of Narue
Somedays Dreamers
Haibane Remnei
Please Save My Earth
Gravitation (ugg)

and a lot more. True, most anime fans in the English speaking world are men, but that is slowly changing, and we're starting to see more stuff directed toward women.

So you're really making a broad generalization (or a generalization about broads).

I myself believe AMG is directed and both males and females ^-^ It is igeniously designed so that the charcters actually have personalities and arn't all steriotypical girls or guys for that matter. It is such a loveable and lgiht hearted series ^-^
QuoteOriginally posted by KeiichiK1 (view)
Lots of anime is aimed at girls...

Boys over Flowers springs to mind.

World of Narue
Somedays Dreamers
Haibane Remnei
Please Save My Earth
Gravitation (ugg)

and a lot more. True, most anime fans in the English speaking world are men, but that is slowly changing, and we're starting to see more stuff directed toward women.

So you're really making a broad generalization (or a generalization about broads).


Holy cow...someone watches a lot of anime...I unfortunatly have never heard of any of those. Sorry, but if you say they are geared towards girls, I believe you! :)

Well, IDK...

But sailormoon...that is SO a girl anime...I know you say its for guys, but that is like a prime example of something I would NEVER watch. :P... In that case, I guess I was wrong about the anime automatically being for both genders if it isn't for guys.
havn't heard of them either
i didn't know that World of Narue is geared towards girls! are u sure? it looks more universal to me. Plus i always thought of Sailormoon as being more for girls, although i never seen an entire episode myself so i cant make fair judgement. Maybe the dubbed version made it too girly whereas the original Jap version is better.
The cut version of Sailor Moon was deffinitely aimed at gilrs, however that desn't mean some guys didn't like it ^-^ However the original attracted the attention of females as well, but was a little more universal and not so steriotypical as the dubbed version made it out to be. So guys fell in love with it too ^-^ Today, even though the episodes and manga are over there are still broadway musicals of Sailor Moon because it was so loved so much by everyone. Wow who would have thunk it, Sailor Moon on broadway? cool huh ^-^
Yeah... I do watch a lot of anime... and own a lot too (around 500 DVDs in my personal collection).... some of the series I listed I don't own, but I do own World of Narue, Someday's Dreamers, and Haibane Renmei, all of which are very good. I owned the first disc of Gravitation for like a day... I had no idea it was yaoi when I bought it. Not my cup of tea, thank you very much. Fortunately, I have a friend who is bisexual, so guess what he got for his birthday? :sheep: Now yuri doesn't bother me, but yaoi... ugg.

There are a lot of crossover animes that straddle the line between Shonen (anime for boys) and Shojo (anime for girls). I have several female friends who love Wolf's Rain and Chobits, and almost all of my friends like AMG. The line between the two isn't as strictly drawn as it once was.

regardless of whether ppl say it is for guys or girls i find World of Narue interesting after seeing a few trailers and have put it on my list of animes to get next.
on the issue of shonen shoujo, im a strict heterosexual guy so anime that is completely based on something otherwise wouldnt really appeal to me, (dont get me wrong im not a hater of gays etc or anything), just that i think theres too much of this sort of thing on entertainment in general.
im not complaining about the usual girl feeling another girls breasts sort of thing (like Tina in Aoi Yori Aoshi) that's ok and part of the fun.
However one very good anime that features girl - girl love (though maybe more of a sisterly love type) is Kannaduki no Miko, it so nicely done you dont notice such things! very good!

i apologise if my post upsets ppl, if anybody is, pls PM me and i will edit it. Gomen nasai!
I saw Somedays Dreamer advertised can anyone give me a quick synopsis on what it is about ^-^ the art looked so lovely, but i don't want to get it for pretty art, I want to know what the story is first ^-^ if no one minds, thank you.
Someday's Dreamers - Basically, you've got a small portion of the population who can use magic. They're all members of an organization that helps people in need. It is the story of a young girl who has just joined the organization, and her attempts to learn to use her powers wisely and appropriately, and maybe find love along the way.

Sound's like my type of anime! i've looked up this anime and i think i'll put it on my list of "to get" anime. Thank you for telling us about it Kitori and you too KeiichiK1! (bows)
I think the ah!my goddess is really aimed more at girls just cause...i think so but that never stopped me form watching it :D
actually, it is classed under the genre as manga for guys, cos its got beautiful girls!
Back when i was first reading about this anime i read a review that was something along a lines "This is a great anime that any teenage girl would enjoy"
Ever since then i have just continually think of this as a girls anime...but im a guy and i still watch it
i always thought it was for both male and female enjoyment ^-^ its so well done and made to be appealing to everyone!