IDK, I haven't met very many female anime fans in Hawaii...SIGH. Almost everyone who watches anime is a guy, and for some reason everyone associates ANIME (clean anime, A!MG, Naruto, NGE, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, etc) with hentai. For example, one day I was reading Ranma 1/2 (one of the less dirty ones) in class, and the girl sitting in front of me went and asked me why I read it if there was no nudity (shows what she knows). We watch anime/read manga cause we like it, damnit. But I digress... It's unfortunate.
Anyway, I think A!MG is for both genders. Its definatly not like Mahou Sensei Negima or Love Hina, or any Ken Akamatsu stuff, those are for guys. And IMO, if its not geared strictly towards guys, its for both genders, since there really aren't any femminist animes.