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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 03:31
Belldandy Gift

WHo's WhO?

Topics Ah! My Goddess WHo's WhO?
Belldandy's mother? - Freija?

Belldandy's Father? - I think its Odin...

Keiichi's College Course? - hmmm...mechanical Eng'g?

Keiichi's Parents? - look in this... http://nekomikodai.otakalypse.com/
aren't you guys looking a bit too far into this? i dont care who's Belldandy's parents are, what's important is that she's born into existence!
perhaps, but more background can only help us more deeply understand/love the story and Bell
you can't blame me if i want to know more things about belldandy, if you love someone then you must also love what belldandy loves...and i know bell loves her father and mother and so i also wanna love them, but how if i don't even know who they are? am i right? if you love a girl you must first consider her parents.
but that doesnt mean you have to actively seek out spoilers from teh manga!
i just love mangas and 'm just suggesting, i'm just being more creative. if i'm a creator of amg manga i'll produce it. but sorry coz i am not one of them so all i can do is to suggest and give some other points for the story. that's just it, i just wanna have fun and more exciting with the amg story...and one thing i don't have to spoil the manga, coz i don't even have any one amg manga. and if you don't care abuot belldandy's parents, well we do care b'coz belldandy cares about her parents...
Relax boys... seriously, Roy-san. I can understand Keiichi-san. Parents might be important, but when you love a girl, they don't really matter.

And this is just simple curiosity. In a way I don't want to know -who- they are, exactly. Just pondering about it is much more fun.
well think about this...what if the person you love does'nt care about your parents what would you feel?....well you both think only for your feelings and not considering what belldandy's cares about..like her care about her parents, sisters and friends.
Belldandy cares for everyone, your emphasis on just the parents is but only a drop in the ocean. (though a much bigger drop than most others)
if you read the manga you will eventually know the answer to your questions.
i don't have any of amg manga wwwhhhhaaaaa!!!!!!! help out this one K1-san where can i find amg manga...i think i can't understand what you mean till i don't have it...maybe if u can teach how to buy through internet...most of them requires credit cards and by paypal...what if i don't have?
Shh calm down all of you. I believe Keiichiroy-kun has a point in caring about Bell's parents. To be in love is not only to love that person but their family. Right now im a little disappointed with how everyone reacted over a small speculation, is it a crime to be curious these days? That's why these forums exist, to discuss the possibilities and potential of AMG, its no fun if you can only discuss fact and past issues, why not discuss future possibilities and questions unanswered. If you are not interested in that typ of discussion reply kindly and express you opinion or do not reply at all.

Im sorry but i felt that this had to be herd, despite that the discussion appeared to be cooling down because i've been seeing these flares spring up left right and center in the forums latly, and thought enough was enough.

Please I'll ask you once more, play nice while using this site, there should be more respect.
yeah you're right kitori-san...but maybe it's my fault there are things i don't know more about AMG. i don't even know that Hild was Urd's mother but you all know it b'coz you hav the Mangas but i have'nt and so easy-say i'm a left-out in terms of AMG things. I'm very very sorry to cause all you that, it's just i don't know all things yet it's your responsibilities to inform us and you did inform us (THANKS FOR THAT *THUMBS-UP*) sorry i'm just desperate to have all AMG stuffs, I don't even have the Adventures of Mini Goddess and also the Manga. oh man it's so disgusting to be left-out...
:baps out:

nah...okay lang yan pre...parte din yan sa paglaki*... :E

*nah...thats okay, that is part of our life... :E

anyway, you wanna know everything thats why you ask questions like that, right? Thats okay... -_~
ok Keiichiroy, if you want to learn more about AMG quickly then I'd recommend the sites
Gateway to the Goddess(es): http://gateway.cjb.net/
The Goddess project: http://www.goddess-project.net/
And if you are unable to *buy*, the mangas and only then, the site; http://shiroihana.net/AMG/ type that in exactly and it will give you a directory of compressed AMG files that you can download at an avervage of 35Kb/s, go to winzip.com if you need a program to unzip them and Dl the evaluate version.
That done sit back and enjoy reading your translated AMG mangas, you can get everything from Vol1-28 but only download three chapters at a time max and don't be surprised if the site goes offline after that for a couple of hours.... phew ^-^
everyone knows that Hild is Urd's mother and who Keiichi's parents are because they download those scanlation thingys, i didnt even know that until i started looking on the internet because i buy the official release mangas, officially the mangas havent got to that point in the story yet.