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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:30
Belldandy Gift

WHo's WhO?

Topics Ah! My Goddess WHo's WhO?
Belldandy's mother?
Belldandy's Father?
Keiichi's College Course?
Keiichi's Parents?
well we don't know who Bell's parents are for sure... but many seem to believe that Bell, Urd and Skuld's father would be Kami-sama, but nobody knows for Bell and Skuld's mother, for now we only know Urd's mother is Hilde.
as for Megumi and Keichi's parent's, it's Takano and Keima Morisato, you'll find that out in volume 23/24, pretty fun parents as a matter of fact... lol
As far as I know I don't think Bell's mother is ever mentioned. Her father can, from what little you learn of him from hild's memories, either be interpreted as a low level god or Kami-sama himself.
Keiichi's parents are Tanako (Mother) and Keima (Father) and make their most notable apperance in the 'Parents arc'
Come to think of it, does Keiichi actually study anything definitive? He takes part in a number of courses but doesn't seem to be after any specific degree, unless of course the term college is misleading, Nekcomi (no idea how you spell it) tech, often comes across as more of an advanced high school than a college
Anyone got any ideas on the matter?
I think it would be interseting to meet Belldandy's Mother. She would probably be a very nice person. ^^
Agreed, it would be interesting to see which of her children she influenced the most
mm I hope we get to meet her at one point. Its funny Belldandy does not seem to recall any memories of her mother. She had a mentore named Celestine (movie) and he seemed to take the part of mothership.

As for Keiichi's collage fiasco, keep in mind in the manga we don't fallow K1's life day by day. There must be more quiet days that he uses more to study and work rather then run around with the goddesses. I guess Fujishima did us a favour by not bothering to include us in such technicalities ^-^
It is werid that she doesn't remember her mom though, I always thought that the whole absente parent thing was a bit werid. From what I gather divine/demonic births are relatively rare and its not as if her parents would have to worry about political manipulation like Hild did when she gave up Urd so I can't see any real reason for them to more or less abandon their daughter the way they did...

The bore factor you mentioned in describing Keiichi's 'regular' life was a good point Ki-Chan. Maybe Fujishima-san didn't want anything to distract Keiichi from his two main pursuits; Belldandy and motorcyles ^-^
I'm more curious as to find out who their father is... I mean, to have been with Hild first and then to have gone with another Goddess... makes me wonder what kind of a man he is.
Yes ^_^ intresting questions..I would like to know myself of these things ^_^

Maybe theres a side story to ah my goddess?
I know! There are hints it's kami-sama but we don't really know that for sure because kami'sama would be considered everyones 'father,' the ruler who takes care of all of them. Not to mention when Bell-chan gets a phone call from him instead of being happy she always seems to tense up. Its fairly hard to say who the parents are. As Kei-kun said, there must be a very interesting side story to this, Im sure Fujushima will eventually add it :)
We can hope so ^-^
Rei-chan makes a good point, he certainly gets around doesn't he, I wonder if his relationship to Bell/Skuld's mother was anything like that with Hild? Kinda sad for Bell if it was...
Keiichi studies in the Nekomi Institue of Technology hence the letters NIT. Its a science and engineering university, Keiichi would be studying an engineering course, which incorporates many aspects of science, he knows mechanics (of course, he's in the motorclub!) he can programme computers and do maths etc. University students do not strictly have to follow their main principle of study, many other classes are on offer to ensure Japan's graduates are well equipped being an all rounder, that is why we see Keiichi and Belldandy in foreign language classes (remember the movie?)
Right! Smart observation, Keiichi-san!

I've been wondering that it might be possible that Kami-sama is the girl's father. After all, there are a lot of reasons why any girl would tense up at a phone call from their father. But I don't think that's the case. I think it's simply some high-class god (because the girls are also high-class Goddesses and all). And Belldandy/Skuld's mother must be someone special and compassionate too, I think. But the kind of relationship their father had with Hild, I think, must be very different from the one he has with the other girl's mother. After all, Urd's the oldest... he may have grown wiser after that. ^_^
anythings possible lol
i'm just interested to know b'coz it can effect the lovelife of keiichi and belldandy, one of my obeservation is (1) did her father knows her true feelings with keiichi? as i remember in OVA bell's father allowed her to stay a bit longer with keiichi right?...is her father concerned about his daughters' lovelife? i'm just keep on wondering if they can work for a manga that answers our questions....