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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:47
Belldandy Gift

Ah My Goddess Vs. Oh My Goddess

Topics Ah! My Goddess Ah My Goddess Vs. Oh My Goddess
Sorry for what may be a silly question, but I've just recently watched Ah! My Goddess for the first time (hooked on it now, it's a beautifully done anime). Could someone explain what the difference is between Ah! My Goddess and Oh! My Goddess? I've seen that there are Anime and Manga out there for each title, but do not comprehend the difference.

Welcome ntyatecafe!

The original title is "Ah! My Goddess" but when the manga and anime was licensed in USA they changed it to "Oh! My Goddess", its said that Fujishima K. was the responsible of this change (because of the phrase "Oh my god")

Ithink that the only difference is that in Japan and asia the series are known only as Ah! My Goddess, and in america we know it as Ah! My Goddess and Oh! My Goddess. (Conclusion: Its the same)

I hope this is useful for you:)
I found this on wikipedia...

"Ah" or "Oh"?
The original Japanese title is "Aa! Megami-sama!". The problem of how to translate this phrase has led to a great deal of debate and flamewars amongst English-speaking anime fans during the early 1990s. The US-anime import company AnimEigo obtained the OVA rights and entitled them: "Oh My Goddess!". Those who objected felt that the title should be "Ah! My Goddess". References to "Oh my god" and "Oh my goddess" in a number of songs (such as Hottokenai No Sa, Megami-sama tto Oyoubi) only fueled further debate.

Series creator Fujishima was ultimately consulted. His initial reaction was to agree with the "Ah" camp. After the English phrase "Oh my God" was explained to him, he decided that "Oh" would be closer to what he was trying to convey. Yet, when a Japanese fan later pointed out to Fujishima that the Japanese merchandise uses "Ah", Fujishima said that it would be better to keep things consistent.

Oh My Goddess! is the official English title for the manga, which is published by Dark Horse Comics; AnimeEigo later also used Oh My Goddess!. The bilingual release, which was released by Kodansha, uses Ah! My Goddess. Pioneer chose to use Ah! My Goddess in their North American release of the movie; this was possibly due not to any aesthetic considerations, but rather because AnimEigo uses the title Oh My Goddess!.

The 2005 TV series and DVD releases carry the title "Ah! My Goddess".

Quoted from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_My_Goddess!
Thats very complete!!!!!!!!
Also if you can, I recommend getting and reading the manga as well. I've enjoyed both the Oh! My Goddess Ova's, The Ah! My Goddess: The Movie, Ah! My Goddess (TV series), as well as the manga.
Wow, thank you all for that. It definately helped clear it up for me. I"ve watched the Ah! My Goddess series and got hooked on it. I found it to be such a wonderful series. I've already ordered some of the manga from Amazon, and can't wait to start getting into that as well. I'll have to check out the movie and OVA sometime.

Thanks all!