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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:04
Belldandy Gift


Topics Misc 12-21-2012
Don't even get me started on Nostradamus. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdG6DDQ8iCU

Not really meant to convince, just something I found humorous. Also, the only (somewhat) major US city at 45 latitude is Portland, OR. Unless Nostradamus is predicting that the suspension bridge will collapse, I don't see much to the notion that the city is in America. Also, what is with the add-a-letter take-a-letter stuff? I can't easily find myself respecting any claim based on that method. Why is it that people only realize that Nostradamus 'predicted' something after the fact, when they can, through whatever means they choose, decide that he listed the series of events. It is beyond easy to make such a claim and line up a sequence to match the prediction. Either Nostradamus nuts are really bad at 'translating' his works in such a way to actually predict an occurrence before it happens, or Nostradamus himself was lousy at it.

Looking at an event, then matching it up to some arcane script is not validation of a prediction. Not to mention the vagueness, and catchall nature of his writings anyway. However, I know that me simply writing my opinions out here will not stop Nostradamians from not saying what will happen until after it has happened, and assume the rest of us will believe in the amazing power of their idol. Still, it was fun:p