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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 12:04
Belldandy Gift


Topics Misc 12-21-2012
Thats the date thats been predicted to the end of life on Earth.The Miyians(sp) & a couple other anceint cilizations & scientist even had a comuter come up with the same date.And I guest its even in the bible.That one Im not to sure about.And I guess even some of the worlds governments beleive this to be true.And I found out that many church goers beleive it to.And the number of ppl are growing by the day.Even I beleive*well dont wanna beleive* it to be true.Well I was hoping that would come far far in the future.I was hoping I wouldnt be around when that day comes around.
Scienctist & gov cant agree how it'll happn but they know that it will happn.
So anyone heard about this & think that its really gonna happn?

http://december212012.com/phpBB2/ just found it.

I heard a lot of stuff about this, some say world is going to be destroyed and all llife on earth is going to be.... well you know the rest

That stuff the Mayans talk about is that is going to be the end of this world, but they are talking about a transition , human kind isnt going to be killed, they say is the end of an era, just to start another better one but without suffering etc etc, and only good persons can make this "transition". Theres also something of 13 heavens the Mayans talk about, we are at the end of the 13, th last one, so the "transitions" is near. But they never mentioned day and month only 2012

Also I think it could be something like Y2K, "all the world is going to be a mess"X|

But Im agree this world needs to change
I really dont know if it'll be the end of life or a start of a new begining.We wont really know til that time comes.Well I for one hopes its astart of a new begining.

Alot of ppl around here think that the antichrist will come on that date.Since I dont beleive in the antichrist so I dont think thats it.
They are going to say a lot of strange things, no one know for sure so its better to ignore most of them

Theres a lot of interesting info about what Mayans said, an investigator have a lot of interest about this and had discovered a lot of very strange things (its in a tv and radio program).... also there are relations about this and the figures that appeared in fields of corn in England, at least is what they say

pretty figures

Theres a challenge, if someone can make a figure similar to this in 1 night without artificial light, minimum dimeter of 80 meters etc etc etc can won 10000USD:sarc:
Apocalypse and Beyond....... some says that the earth will be hit by an asteroid or a meteor or sometin....

well I'm already dead before that happens :p
What!, we're all gonna die!? Hooray!!! Then let's go find Belldandy in the Heaven :bounce:
hahaha stop kidding like that i don't want the world to die -_- lolz
Amusing thought, but highly unlikely that its actually true.
If mankind is destroyed, it would be by their own stupidity with wars and such.
As for an antichrist or a new era... maybe. I'm not really religious, but I figure if there is some ultimate 'good' entity like a God or something, then there has to be something that is its opposite.
Oh. Surprise. Another end of the world prediction. I suppose that according to the law of averages, someone has to be right at some point. Until then I'll be resting easy and enjoying the year 2013.

It is a shame that the Mayans were unable to foretell their empirical collapse in the 8th and 9th centuries. Should we also offer up human sacrifices to appease the gods, and better learn the fate of humanity?

The end will come when it will come, whether through Apocalypse, natural disasters, or simply a decline in human culture. I don't see much use in trying to predict it, as everyone has been wrong. To say that Mayan religion is infallible and that it does indeed predict the end is unprovable until the date in question. How nice that the conspiracy theorists and doom sayers now have so much time to build up to yet another disappointment.

Though there is something to be said about being open minded, as my dad always says: Be open minded, but not so open minded that your brain falls out.

One last addendum. Though I do believe that there are higher powers at work, I also firmly believe in free will. To change the world would be impossible unless people were forced, and would ultimately result in more conflict unless the population is suppressed. This begs the question "Do the best intentions justify an immoral act?' To say the world needs to change is understandable, but also simplistic and does not take into account the longer term consequences of forcing a change in the name of 'the greater good'. Humans will either make things better or worse. Such is the double edged sword of free will, but a genuine inclination to improve the lives of others is infinitely more valuable than forced uniformity. Even if it leaves open the possibility for others to preform ill deeds. That is all for now.
I dont beleive in stuff like this but when a freind asked me if this date means anything to me I told him no.But for some reason it felt like my heart sank into my stomach.Then he told me that was when life will end.Thats the really the only reason why Ive been thinkn about this.
I am sorry if I was harsh in my response Goku. My frustration was more aimed at the idea itself then you for presenting it, since these theories have been around for God knows how long, and all have been bogus. However, I do still think it is overly simplistic to say 'The world needs to change', (which MK1 said, I know) without at least outlining what you think would be the best course and take into account logistics and ramifications. So again, I apologize if you took what I said personally, as it wasn't truly my intention. Why would I want an admin mad at me after all?:p
Yep, this world need a change, but, if this happens, is really necessary that some people have to die so the world can be better?
Im agree with Nighthawk and Dark_Urd, specially about the stupidity of man kind, but about the antichrist, there are a lot of evidences that it isnt any kind of god or semi god, it was just "the Cesar" (some years ago)
You'd be surprised to know that not everyone would be willing to change because you want them to. How exactly would you stop violence and poverty for example? This has been combated against for millennia with not much gain. However, I am not saying that we should not try to improve things. In a sisophysian way we need to keep such things at bay, because when we stop trying it will crush us (I could have worded it better, but look up the Sisophys myth to understand what I'm trying to say).

The question is when is the point when in eradicating evil, as we perceive it, we are doing increasingly evil things. For example, as torturing prisoners in the name of protecting others with information they may or may not provide. I am not doing as good a job as I would like, but I am at least trying to convey that there are more complexities to what you are asking for than you seem to think.)

I suppose it would be easier to nail down an argument if I knew what your perception of change for the better may be. I'll wait to hear what that is because despite what you all may think I don't particularly like rambling.:p

Something I found interesting(and exceedingly ironic:= )
http://www.moviepoopshoot.com/comics101/84.html The section on Squadron Supreme

I'm also a bit confused by your last statement. Care to elaborate and cite sources for your findings?

Where's Bdiah when you need him. He's much better at this than I am. X|
QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
I am sorry if I was harsh in my response Goku. My frustration was more aimed at the idea itself then you for presenting it, since these theories have been around for God knows how long, and all have been bogus. However, I do still think it is overly simplistic to say 'The world needs to change', (which MK1 said, I know) without at least outlining what you think would be the best course and take into account logistics and ramifications. So again, I apologize if you took what I said personally, as it wasn't truly my intention. Why would I want an admin mad at me after all?:p

hmm..I didnt think u was harsh^^.So dont apologize man.:bounce: :Puffy:
Now, if Nostradamus also mentioned that year, :inoc: :inoc: :ugh: