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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:01
Belldandy Gift

Ragnarok the animation

Topics Manga & Anime Ragnarok the animation
any bbody knows when its coming out?
It allready has around 7 epiosodes subbed now. I dont know how many raws there is though.
I only saw the korean online version and the philippine online version. But i smell that theres a manga called "ragnarok", and the creator is korean.
Oh yea ? never heard of a manga wonder if i can find it fantranslated somewhere .
We'll Ragnarok has a manga ok? so it has its own story about Midguard(their land) and how the end of it is near while their people have jobs(acolyte,merchant,assasin,crusader etc.)

It has some how a good story as other readers of its manga said..
(i don't even knew if they have it:sheep:) Thats the reason the korean proggrammers have to make it as an Online RPG(Role PLaying Game) because they knew that its gonna be a hit for its own rules and how to gain power.:heh:

That's all...I'm a player myself Online and if u have some questions about RAGNAROK..I'll see what i can do:)
Is the rpg thing online only, and you download the game; or do you have to buy the game and then play online.
Well, Jwalt kun.... Ragnarok has really FREE GIVE-AWAY CDs, its not also downloadable i think except for the free trial of Ragnarok's number something episode called JUNO commercialed in anipike.com

Maybe you can get a cd on one of your friends that has ragnarok online...by the way ragnarok is only ONLINE RPG you have to be connected in the internet then click the installed program from the cd. The program will now connect you to the game itself ok?
And also Jwalt, the program from the cd is the server-it is the one who provides you with graphics and update you to whats new and some news like The War of Emperium and some Game Master's news to his members(mainly known as the GM)

Ragnarok is a little to EXPENSIVE cause u have to pay the internet connection and buy pre-paid load for your game play time. u know..like a cellphone pre-paid? Thats why there's an Illegal Offline server...

Now back to the real subject "ILLEGAL OFFLINE SERVER"
in making the game ... one of the programers of Ragnarok in the Gravity Corp. actually HACKED the game and put it in just only 2 CDs. He knew its going to be such a hit in the world that he decided to sell it and make many copies of it. I don't know if that man was even caught but here in the Philippines, there are now around 500 copies of Ragnarok Offline and any Internet Cafe caught by the dealers of Ragna Online using this Offline Server shall be demanded.....:sarc:
I've buying some school supplies in a bookstore....I went to the manga section, ang guess what? I saw Ragnarok books!! Yeah, they sell it for......less than 10 dollars(95 pesos in our country). They have volumes 1-3, and i think they have all 5 volumes

About the Illegal offline server, Ashenvale, is it the korean one? The one with korean letters? If so, how can u play it?
kinda strange. anyways here's how it goes.

Ragnarok the anime is based on Ragnarok Online. The characters in the series are essentially based from the game (you have the standard swordie mage aco merch thief assasin combo here).

Ragnarok Online is loosely based on the manga Ragnarok. You might spot a swordie here and there in the manga, but for the most part, things that are in the manga aren't there in the game. The world name and design did come from the manga however.

I didn't really like the game or the manga. The game places too much emphasis on levels, and most players that I met are elitist bastards that needs a wooden plank shoved up th.... back on topic. The manga.. well, I read up to vol 1, and the art is OK, but the storyline is kinda weak and a bit lacking.

Haven't seen the anime though.
i think were in the same country asgard kun but There's an offline server thats in the ENGLISH VERSION...i kinda saw one in my friends place and he said that our 15 classmates of our has already bought that ENGLISH OFFLINE SERVER.. I'm pretty shocked by that:wow:
....I asked my friend also about those Korean offline and he said just be sure that the store where you'll buy is willing to change the cd or give your money back if you had mistakenly bought the Korean server :sheep: and check if the one ur buying is an English version ....you should know the tel.# or the cell # contact of the store foe more details:)
Oh, thanks...I'll tell my bro then. He is the one who brought that korean cd.
No problem Asgard kun:) your welcome anytime:)
Wow you guys sure know a lot about anime.I only know about the stuff they put on chez TV and what i found on the e-net(sites like this, games)
Hey! they are featuring a ragnarok anime in here in movies.