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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:29
Belldandy Gift

Review your digital camera (if you have any)

Topics Science & Tech Review your digital camera (if you have any)
I just got a new camera to take some Christmas photos.
Its the dsc-w90 8MPixel model from sony. Its a pretty camera with nice appearance, has a decent menu...and so on. About the image quality, well i guess my mobile phone does a better job with its 1.3 MPixels, its nearly impossible for the dsc-w90 to take a cristal clear photo (always full of garbage and artfacts). Its probably the worst camera from sony (and from the market maybe). Resuming and concluding it sucks badly, not recommended unless you wanna buy a new toy for your cat (note that its about $300 so it will be an expensive toy).
I've heard several reviews of people that loved their sony models with lower mega pixels and got horrified with their new acquisition. So dont say i didnt warn you :)

Dont forget, the CyberShit DSC-w90 sucks :)

See what others say about it:

QuoteThere is no doubt that this was a defective product. I will return for a new one and hopefully the new one will not be defective.

QuoteThe picture quality is the worst I have ever seen. 8.1 MP is totally wasted on images that lack detail. My 4 MP Sony that I bought in 2003 takes incredible pictures compared to this point and shoot. I bought this camera and tested it like crazy while on vacation. Shooting in darkness is a waste of time. Your image CCD is just too small to take in enough light to create a quality picture. Don't have high expectations with this camera's ability to create a crisp image just because it has 8 MP.

QuotePICTURE QUALITY is horrible!! After taking our first two pictures we downloaded them to the computer and were like, ummmm did we take the picture with our 1.2 MP Palm Treo or our new Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W90 (8.1 MP, 1/2.5" CCD). We were looking for a smaller digital camera to replace our older and not so compact Canon PowerShot A95 (5.0 MP, 1/1.8" CCD) with similar or perhaps better picture quality. Obviously image sensor size is more important that # of MP when looking at picture quality. The DSC-W90 pictures were grainy, lost detail (especially textures) and the colors seemed a bit off while the A95 were sharp, full of detail, and color was spot on.

QuoteWow, I thought upgrading from a 4 megapix camera to a 8 megapix camera would give me super picture quality. As it turns out, the extra megapixels just show more of the BAD detail that you get with ths camera. Maybe I got a lemon, but this thing is nowhere close to the quality of the 4 megapixel pictures from my old Olympus Stylus.

QuoteI compared some of my photos taken with my mobile phone and now iam wondering why i got such an expensive camera if the image despite having more pixels/details remains with the same ugly artifacts i hated so much in my old photos. For god sake. I dont recommend this camera unless you want to buy a toy for your children under 5 :)

QuoteThis is our second Cyber-Shot. The old one was a 7.2 mp and we absolutely adored it. It would take a fantastic picture every single time. We used it A LOT and it eventually got dirty on the inside. The local camera repair guy said it would be cheaper to buy a new camera instead of cleaning the old one...so that's what we did. Who knew the new fancy one would be so terrible. I have fiddled with the settings in many indoor and outdoor situations and it still fails to take a decent picture. They are grainy, the flash is terrible and the red-eye simply does NOT work. We're seriously thinking of returning this junker.

QuoteI have owned nothing but Sony cameras this one makes my 5th, and it is by far the worst camera I've owned. My 5meg camera takes a 10 times better pictures than this one. The pictures always no matter what come out grainy the flash is terrible. I wish I would have done some more research on this camera, but already owning 4 Sony cameras did not think it was necessary.

QuoteI've had this camera now for about three weeks (one week over the 14 day satisfaction guarantee return policy) and so far I am QUITE unhappy with it. If I'd known it's at its best when shooting sunny outdoor photos only I definitely have selected another model or brand. The indoor medium range (5-15 feet) and average brightness photos are horrific. There is quite an amount of noise (grainy) in the solid colors that actually detract from the image as a whole. Sony failed on this one and I failed by not reading the reviews before I paid cash. Oh well... lesson learned.

QuoteI do not like this camera. I wish I would have gotten the Canon like I had before. The battery takes forever to charge and easily dies. It doesn't have a USB plug which is a real pain to download picture. I would not have bought it if I would have realized it. The setting dial easily changes. It claims it's a super steady shot...I disagree. There are too many steps to do anything on it. I don't like this camera and wish I bought a canon. Especially for $300.00- not happy.

As you can see, its nearly impossible to find a happy client of this camera :)