there's nothing really bad about Google... then if youre exagerating/metaphorically speaking, then yeah, it is... at least its main site ( is simple... unlike someother search engine... takes so long to open >.< and tooo 'fancy'
well, it is a little concern about it being TOO succsesful...
they bought YouTube, got sued for some video's copyrights, and won? :D
i think Google is now included in Encarta XD
its a verb for all i know...
a site called Friendster was once powered by Yahoo..
and just now i noticed its POWERED by GOOGLE x_x !surprised!
and some other sites...
generally, there's nothing wrong about Google, (i even have a gmail lol XD)
its just super succesful...
but i am watching, until mess' up,
that'll be the day... XD