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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 12:34
Belldandy Gift

The Google Virus

Topics Science & Tech The Google Virus
Is it me or Google Resembles a virus? (e.g.: Spreads everywhere without control)
I wonder where it will lead us to, some day i think the antivirus companies will include google in their virus definitions |D
The first time i met google it was really small, still worked from the garage facility of the two college students (that are mega rich today), i would say it has grown one billion percent since then :o

Will you wake up someday and read the newspaper: "Google bought the world"?

:| :| :E :| :| :E |D |D |D
Thats true google is huge, and it also have good parts and bad parts, like you say its like a "virus". Something need to be done with this, making restrictions or something because if this continue it can be very troublesome:ugh:
Just like time when the Microsoft company had monopolized the software market all over the world before, Google starts to monopolize Web today... I'm reading the book 'What Web2.0 killed'(Written by Atushi Miyawaki) which is criticism book on Web2.0 now, and I thought that we should always pay attention to service and the business on Web in the future.
I don't still understand about what Google thinks in back side, but we should not admire them excessively.
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
Thats true google is huge, and it also have good parts and bad parts, like you say its like a "virus". Something need to be done with this, making restrictions or something because if this continue it can be very troublesome:ugh:

I think you're being cynical. It's unfair to penalize a corporation for being very successful.

Unless you can present evidence that Google participates in immoral business practices.
i still using opera
Well, lets face it. Who normally goes to google when they are looking for somthing? I do.

It's all about good service and falling in to a habit. One day, "just google it" will become a common saying. Oh wait, that's today...
QuoteOriginally posted by Fizzyboy (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
Thats true google is huge, and it also have good parts and bad parts, like you say its like a "virus". Something need to be done with this, making restrictions or something because if this continue it can be very troublesome:ugh:

I think you're being cynical. It's unfair to penalize a corporation for being very successful.

Unless you can present evidence that Google participates in immoral business practices.

I agree. Google successfully seized the business opportunity when internet search and advertising was in its infancy and captured the greatest marketshare of internet searches. They should not be penalized for that.

Nor should they be penalized if competitors fail to create a superior service.

Only if Google actively uses methods that PREVENTS other competitors from creating superior services should Google be penalized. Basically, unless Google does what Microsoft did by bundling software into the core operating system and making it very difficult to install third party software, most critics are just envious of its success.
QuoteOriginally posted by Fizzyboy (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
Thats true google is huge, and it also have good parts and bad parts, like you say its like a "virus". Something need to be done with this, making restrictions or something because if this continue it can be very troublesome:ugh:

I think you're being cynical. It's unfair to penalize a corporation for being very successful.

Unless you can present evidence that Google participates in immoral business practices.

yes I read an article of that, let me find it again to show you what Im talking about
QuoteOriginally posted by Endymion (view)
Is it me or Google Resembles a virus? (e.g.: Spreads everywhere without control)
I wonder where it will lead us to, some day i think the antivirus companies will include google in their virus definitions |D
The first time i met google it was really small, still worked from the garage facility of the two college students (that are mega rich today), i would say it has grown one billion percent since then :o

Will you wake up someday and read the newspaper: "Google bought the world"?

:| :| :E :| :| :E |D |D |D

its really a wonder it happens & a lil scary.:p :ugh:
google has grown alot since i first saw him [my first site ever was google @_@ and it was around 7 years ago]
google even bought youtube the biggest video uploader in the internet and google became even stronger search engine then i ever seen in my cyber-life xP
it can look like a virus cuz its eating anything [taking] that it sees
i got like 2 viruses from google one of them is a 3rd party sites like when i use any search engine it redirects me into other site =S
there's nothing really bad about Google... then if youre exagerating/metaphorically speaking, then yeah, it is... at least its main site (google.com) is simple... unlike someother search engine... takes so long to open >.< and tooo 'fancy'

well, it is a little concern about it being TOO succsesful...
they bought YouTube, got sued for some video's copyrights, and won? :D
i think Google is now included in Encarta XD
its a verb for all i know...

a site called Friendster was once powered by Yahoo..
and just now i noticed its POWERED by GOOGLE x_x !surprised!
and some other sites...
generally, there's nothing wrong about Google, (i even have a gmail lol XD)
its just super succesful...
but i am watching, until mess' up,
that'll be the day... XD
think of it one day you wake up look at the internet and you will see google bought the internet itself O_O
O.o and i believe this site is also a child of google.. XD
you know, i found this site on Google... XD
in other words... "I Googled it" :D

okay... we're safe as long as google just "BUY's" the internet...
(if it ever happens XD)
i just hope they dont buy us... x_x
hehe yeah i found it on google too i wrote belldandy
"no matter where you look youll see something that is google"
like these google ads here
QuoteOriginally posted by MustangX (view)
hehe yeah i found it on google too i wrote belldandy
"no matter where you look youll see something that is google"
like these google ads here

wahaha XD same... i keyed in "belldandy"
then this was like the 4th/5th/6th on the list....

well... at least Google isnt "annoying" (at least for now)
its their service... :D