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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 04:37
Belldandy Gift


any one saw this. it's currently unlicensed and is up to episode 9 at the moment. An innocent, sad and occasionaly funny anime. it's about a man, Yukito, who had made a promise with his mum to search for girl in the sky and free her from her sadness and her curse, journeys and him befriending a girl , Misuzu, with a weird illness. Funnily, Misuzu began dreaming about flying in the sky and having wings.

For your info, the voice actresses for AMG 3 goddesses are also voice acting in this anime, which started airing on 6 Jan 05( same as AMG). But so far, Inoue Kikuko has only voice acted for 2 epi while the rest had more air time.
AIR is a very good anime and is one of my main favourites. I like it how it has a nice cute look but the story is more for an adult audience with deep relationships and story.
The visuals are of a very exceptional quality, with movie production qualities.
It's another example of an anime inspired from a computer game, in fact it is from the same makers as Kanon which is also based on a game. Look carefully and you can spot cameo appearances by Kanon characters.
Eh, that I never notice..... Who are the characters. BTW, the movie will be out soon. The promo is kinda nice :bg:
Well If you twa are endourcing the series I shall take a look at it,
in answer to ur question about the cameos holybell:

The three schoolgirls Yukito speaks with in episode 2 are , from left to right (as Yukito looks at them): Tsukimiya Ayu, Minase Nayuki, and Sawatari Makoto.

Its an obvious appearance and in plain sight, but one is probably too absorbed into the Air story to notice! ^^
Air is magnificent. Truly one of the top anime of 2005 if not the top anime of 2005.
Actually the first thing that drew me towards Air in the first place was the music. :P
I was just browsing around for anime which have music composed by I've. Obviously I'm a huge I've fan. And the second thing that drew me towards it was the genre! I love romantic dramas, especially those which can make you cry.
Superb material. Now that's true art and emotion.

Currently, I actually find it more interesting and brilliant than Ah! My Goddess TV myself, but since that A!MG is yet to be completed, I'll hold my judgment.
Ah what the heck! Of course I'd choose A!MG, mainly because it's longer and Inoue-san is the main lead.

Yeah it's such a shame that Kikuko hadn't much of a role in Air. I believe she plays Uraha, the mother of that blue haired girl in the past.

I was like watching it all and waiting for her to come out. I felt like God! Where is she already?! LOL :)
Then in episode 7 preview for episode 8, I said YES! *ding ding ding*

Hm... Uraha... I think she'll die in the end just like in the game. (Oops! I hope that wasn't a spoiler.) I have an image from the game where she gets shot by an arrow, slowly passing away to her death. :(
kinda pity that the anime is only 12 episode long

Uraha in the anime is a servent waiting on kanna. She did not got shot by the arrow, but instead married the guy who always guard Kanna so that their decendants may continue the quest of freeing Kanna from her curse.

and before i forgot..... piko piko piko pika :P
Oh really?
That's great then. I suppose the anime is much different to game then, I think.
Did you get this from episode 9? Currently I've only watched up to episode 7 as that f****b (not a rude word :heh: ) group only finished the 7th episode.

Oh yay then! ^_^

Just in case anyone mistook what I said... ehehhehe :heh: I wasn't referring to Kirishima Kano when I said blue haired girl. I was referring the that girl in the past (Misuzu's past life maybe?).

I suppose my picture might be of some other character.

The pic that u have is from episode 9, kanna and her mum. And yeah, recently finished 9 :P
Oh LOL! :P
See? I knew it was a mother. Yeah when I first looked at that picture from the game she just looked very similar to Uraha, although at that time I haven't even begun to watch Air.

I think 12 episodes isn't bad. Onegai Teacher had 12 episodes :).
It is certainly nice to have longer series to watch, but I think sometimes extensive series may drag. So I think if Air were to be longer I'd say give it a max of 14 episodes. ^_^
a longer length doesnt necessarily mean better quality, even the OVA of A!MG is a five episode series. Though some anime series are really successful with lots of good episodes! one example is You're Under Arrest.
I'd say Air is fine with 12 episodes. It'll turn out something like Onegai Teacher... no wait... nah on second thoughts no... Heheheehee! It'll be close to my Onegai Teacher, and perhaps exceed Kanon or my Ai Yori Aoshi as well... o.O

I'm sure Air is going to be one of the top anime of 2005, hands down. :)
I do think AIR is better than Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi (my personal opinion, no offence intended). Still I think 12 episode is short as I can't get enough of the characters.

Pico pico pico
Ehehhee, hey me too. I think Air is better than Ai Yori Aoshi also. Well at the moment yes.

What I'm interested in now is when the poll and surveys go up for the anime of the year 2005, whether Air will be higher than Ah! My Goddess TV, or Ah! My Goddess higher than Air.
for me Ah! My Goddess will always be top! but Air comes very close!