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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:41
Belldandy Gift

Ah! My Goddess TV series licensed in America

Topics Ah! My Goddess Ah! My Goddess TV series licensed in America
the sports car was also on the wrong side of the road!
errr... i dont know what ur trying to get at Larry! ^^' but if Ken has the thing for Aoi then i think Miyuki should really consider somebody else! ^^' (stop trying to ruin my second fav series!)
I'm not trying to ruin it... it was just a joke they threw in while making the OVA. We all know how uncomfortable Ken is around Aoi!

Incidently, in the episode "The flower blossoms on the virgin road" episode of YUA, one of the biker guys is driving a bike just like Keiichi's.

And just so this post isn't SPAM, there is a petition on the Goddess Project people can sign to ask Media Blasters to bring back the original voice cast from the OVA.

Everyone happy?

i like to think YUA and A!MG are like "sister" animes they may not be directly connected but there is something about them.

on the subject of voice casting, im already very happy that they kept the original Japanese cast, if they decide to dubb it with the OVA or Movie cast then thats a really good bonus! both Juliet Cesario and Bridgett Hoffman did a good job as voice for Belldandy.
Bridget Hoffman's voice has always had too "sad" a quality to it for my tastes. Don't get me wrong, she's great for those characters who have a bit of depression to them like Mahoro from Mahoromatic ("Mahoro stops functioning in X days") and Shinobu from Love Hina ("They're never to young for antidepressants!"). Even when she's supposed to be cheerful though, there is always this sense that someone just told her that her dog died (they used to do that to Shirley Temple to get her to cry in the movies).

I much prefer Juliet Cessario. When she sounds cheerful, which is most of the time, she really sounds cheerful. However, she can turn on the serious side too, as episodes 4 and 5 of the OVA proved. I daresay that the OVA translation wouldn't have been anywhere near as good with Bridget Hoffman.

yeah i suppose Cesario is slightly better as Belldandy than Hoffman, of course the definitive voice for Belldandy is Inoue Kikuko!
I highly doubt that Juliet and Scott will be coming back for the TV series. I think they're more like to cast Bridget and Tony Oliver, as they were the most recent seiyuu to be cast into the Ah! My Goddess titles.
And as the Katsucon panel said, they can't guarantee that they'll even acquire either one of those casts from AnimEigo or Geneon.

Before the TV series was licensed I had a positive certainty that Geneon will be licensing it. But no. It went to Media Blasters. The company which acquired many hentai titles. And one company that isn't a rival to Bandai Ent. or ADV Films that's for sure.

I was really expecting that Geneon would acquire it and thus use the Movie and the Mini-Goddess cast, i.e. Hoffman, Williamson/Lee, Lynn & Oliver.

I'm a huge fan of Bridget Hoffman, and I loved her in the Movie and Mini-Goddess, but I have a slight edge for Juliet to play Belldandy for the TV series. Juliet's Belldandy has a more cute and young, gullable new-to-earth voice, whereas Bridget's Belldandy had the more softer and down-to-earth and settled smooth voice.

Cross your fingers and be thankful that they'll even get either one of the casts.
Well, the odds are about equal either way, I'd guess... it depends on who has the most commitments when they get around to dubbing it. That may very well be a point in Juliet and Scott's favor, since Bridget Hoffman is freaking everywhere. She's like the Kevin Bacon of voice acting, she's been in almost everything. It may be that her schedule ends up too full to take on the part. Don't get me wrong, I do think she's a great voice actress, but she just isn't right for Belldandy in my opinion.

I know Juliet and Scott would jump at the chance to play those characters again. They are fans, and playing those roles led to their real life marriage, so I think that would add an extra dimension to the translation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them.

I'll also point out that it is really cool of Media Blasters to even make the attempt. ADR work is a lot like early hollywood, where people typically only work for one company. This is why when Pioneer got the rights to the AMG movie, they used their own people instead of getting the originals (just in case anyone wondered why Skuld suddenly sounded like Sasami from Tenchi Muyo!). Fortunately, this is changing. Many companies have realized that the original cast will typically develop a following and try to recast them. ADV did a great job getting the originals back for the You're Under Arrest Movie and Mini-specials (they probably just farmed out the ADR work to AnimEigo and handled the distribution themselves). I think Bandai has learned their lesson after the Tenchi Muyo GXP fiasco (I heard from someone that they got so much hate mail over the poor voice casting for the original characters in disc 6 that they announced they would find a way to get the original cast back for OVA 3). The fact that ADV got Juliet for the YUA movie and mini-specials is a very good sign!

I saw that petition yes, but haven't managed to sign it yet, because my connection was a bit rusty.

Yes me too am in favor of Juliet and Scott.
Pamela Weidner's Skuld is much funny and bratty compared to Sherry Lynn's Skuld with the cute tone and loyal voice to Keiichi. I think Lynn's voice for Skuld was excellent, and it may not suited for the current Skuld where she disapproves of Keiichi and Belldandy together but in the Movie and Mini Goddess, she has settled and approves of the relationship so the funny voice of Weidner may not be needed as such.

Though I think for Skuld's voice, either Weidner's or Lynn's voice would be great.
I certainly wouldn't mind Wendee Lee coming back and voicing for Urd instead of Lenelle Markgraf. She's got a sexy voice I must say. ;)
for sure it would be cool if they brought back the original dub voices!
I do like juliet's voice for bell
Oh yeah I forgot to mention this.
I'm sure that some of you folks know Juliet's e-mail address.
We could send a big list of names of fans cheering her on for the role of Belldandy.
Though I highly doubt that she'll reply. :heh:

Cesario's e-mail: bellandkei@aol.com
impressive! our new member Kei here is very resourceful, he is a great addition to our members list, now you all treat him right now ya hear!
agreed but how happy would she be if she knew that got out?
Hahaha, I knew someone would ask that.

Yup I'm aware of that. But her e-mail (which I claim might might be valid) is pinned up on sites everywhere.
Seiyuu databases and fan sites about her have her e-mail and also the great AnimeNewNetwork as well.

But like I said, the e-mail we claim to be true but it could not, and if so she wouldn't respond/acknowledge anyway.
Actually, it is a shared email for her and Scott "Keiichi" Simpson (her husband). I've known it for ages, but never post it because, well, you can imagine how much email they already get... I don't think they mind getting "Thank you for playing Belldandy and Keiichi" emails, but don't expect a reply.

Nawh! -.- We don't need a lecture from you to know that already.
Though for those who aren't fans of English dubs won't have a clue (and won't give a damn) at all who casts for whom, let alone more personal specific details.