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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:41
Belldandy Gift

Ah! My Goddess TV series licensed in America

Topics Ah! My Goddess Ah! My Goddess TV series licensed in America
I read about another show in a forum recently purchased by Media Blasters too. They said the DVDs were going to get released in June this year. I wonder if it would be the same for Ah! My Goddess.....
A got a question......the term "America" is only for USA??? and if that is the case what happend with the rest of country´s with out a company who rules the license of Ah Megamisama series....is still Ilegal download the series from the web.....I talking about have to wait more and more to the final release of the series....meybe 2006 or 2007 ^^
wow that is a good question. How do the Canadians feel about it?
and what if i just happen too move to Brazil or somthing?
its alright for some! i mean what about the people that dont live in America? it's all fine for you all to get your anime but the others will have to wait! i'll have to import them in and pay large delivery charges and customs fees.

i prefer to get my anime as box sets that way theres no problem about episode coounts on DVDs and you dont have to watch one DVD and wait 6 months for the next instalment.
Actually, with DVDs and stuff it is usually distribution by "Region". You know, like DVDs in the US are region 1.

Here's a general breakdown... there is specific information available on the web, because it actually may vary by country

Region 1: US and Canada
Region 2: Europe, most of the middle east (for some reason, Japan is region 2 as well)
Region 3: Asia Pacific
Region 4: South America and Australia
Region 5: Asia (Russia) and most of Africa
Region 6: China

So if the US gets it, Canada should get it too...

duh! i know very well that DVDs are separated into regions! im talking about availability of the DVDs in different countries. I mean the UK shares the same region coding as Japan but that doesnt mean we get all the releases in Japan, we would have to go through imports and pay extra prices.
I was replying to the person who was worried Canada wouldn't get it. Most likely, they will, since Canada and US are usually shared distribution as far as licensing goes. Even if not, there aren't huge import fees between the US and Canada or anything like that....

I don't know if anyoen has mentioned it,but a MB rep has said they will try to acquire either the Animeigo or geneon dub cast before trying the final option of doing an entirely new dub cast,but they aren't promising anything. I already sent and email to MB via their web site saying I want the OVA dub cast! and I suggest everyone here do the same! Viva la revolucion!
That would be wonderful! I'm not exactly gonna hold my breath, but I will keep my fingers crossed!


Come back Juliet and Scott!
i doubt very much that the MB company is gonna listen to emails from fans. Theyre already trying to the Animeigo or Geneon cast so emails arent going to change anything.
what im concerned about is that now the fansub sites will stop putting up further episodes. The companies realise that Ah! My Goddess is a popular series and therefore would license the anime straight away to stop further fansubs. This way they can maximise sales when the DVD hits the shops.
if this is gonna happen, i'd rather have waited for the official releases than watch a few fansubs only for them to be stopped and be left hanging.
I'm saying the emails will help,because on the off chance that both sets of VA's are available, emails will help them pick OVA over movie dub. Ofcourse the OVA dub is available if MB wants to put in alittle extra effort and round them up/or fly them out to their studio,but they may not even consider it unless they KNOW alot of ppl want to see it happen,aka start writing emails! :P
as long as the original Japanese cast remains its ok! i dont really mind if the OVA or the Movie cast does the voiceovers as long its either of the two.
Heh, wow... I didn't even realize the movie had a different dub cast! I almost never watch the dub track on anime, unless I have no choice. I did really like the dub cast on the OVAs, though I don't think Skuld needed to *yell* quite so much.
trivia time! did u know the dub voices for Belldandy, Skuld and Kami-sama in the OVA also appear in the series YUA?
here's teh line up:
Belldandy - Miyuki
Skuld - Yoriko
Kami-sama - the captain

nothing to do with the thread i know but something that reminded me!
melichan, u should try watching the dubbed version of the movie, the voice cast did a great job!
Well, AnimeIgo did the ADR for both series, so there are a lot of shared voices. Scott (Keiichi) Simpson did a lot of the incidental roles in YUA. Tamera Burnham (who played Natsumi in YUA) did the voice of the announcer at the race in episode 3 of the AMG OVA.

Here's the trivia you may not have noticed...

When Keiichi and Bell are first heading for the temple in episode 1, they are almost run off the road by a sports car. Does anyone know the driver and passenger of that sports car????

None other than Ken Nakajima and Aoi Futaba! (That may explain why it takes Ken so long to put the moves on Miyuki!)
