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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 12:46
Belldandy Gift

Always Good to ask for Opinions, Is This MAC a Good Choice??

Topics Science & Tech Always Good to ask for Opinions, Is This MAC a Good Choice??
Hi there Everyone, currently, I'm Planning on Buying a Mac Book Pro, So, I want to know your opinions! I Currently have a Desktop PC, That is the one I use for all my University Works, My Job, Etc. The Thing is that I Want a MAC for all my Multimedia Entertainment (Video, Music, DVD's and Photos) So, is this a good choice?? Give me Your Opinions!

Here's the one I am planing to buy:

MAC Book PRO 17''
Mac's certainly do have it over PC's in those departments. The price tag about made me choke, but if you have the means go for it.
Yeah! The Price is High but I've been saving money for a while! However, I'm still short by $600! Can't wait to buy a MAC! It Will be My Perfect Media Center!
The biggest question when buying a computer is "What specific use is it to me?". Too many people I know go out and buy the most awesome top-of-the-line computer simply because it looks cool and FAST, even though all they use it for is to go on MSN and email.

Viewing videos, music, DVDs, and Photos aren't really that intensive. I don't see any legitimate reason why you require a MacBook Pro to do these things. My suggestion to you is to save yourself the money and get the regular MacBook.
After Analyzing what you said to me Fizzyboy, It's true, I don't need a Top of the Line MACBook Pro! And even if I Upgrade the Regular MacBook to the Maximum, It Would cost me a lot less Money!

See, That's Why I always Ask and Search Opinions Before Buying Something High Priced! Thanks!
Well...it depends...

but remember...mac is expensive... :E
i have a friend who is also a graphic designer, their company uses the Macintosh b'coz it is much defined in terms of colors and very enhanced and stable in terms of CMYK and RGB colors than Microsoft...
that is true...

back when i attended a wedding ceremony, photographers were using mac. i asked them why and they said that the colors are more accurate than any other OS's...
MacBook and MacBook Pro prices aren't too far out of line with their "PC" counterparts. I put "PC" in quotes because they're both PCs in their own right, with Intel processors inside. In fact, both can run Windows as well as Mac OS, and using Parallels virtualization software, you can even run both at the same time.

They're good machines; the MacBook Pro, for example, is basically the same as the Acer Travelmate notebook. In fact it IS the same, since they're manufactured by the same company - the MacBook Pro under contract to Apple.

It's the Mac OS X software and applications (iLife, etc.) which you're paying the extra money for. And these days it's not a lot of extra money, either, unless you're silly and pay the $300 premium for a black one...

Just ask Skuld. I heard she dumped the console game-processor lashup in favor of a Mac Pro constructed out of a soup strainer and some Xeon processors K1 brought back from the lab...