woah O.o.. i am so so so in with Ragnarok Online, (u can tell by avatar? hehe XD)
i really got hoked from RO1, wen i saw preview of RO2 i went crazy @_o
i think its already out in south korea and malaysia, closed beta news wer already out...
the relese date on my country is i think within this year or by Jan/Feb 2008
the ads in the patch client on RO says "Ragnarok 2, coming 2007"
i cant wait :bounce:
i stoped RO just last year, but i come in occationally,
my friends have a dislike on the game i figure... so its kinda sad being alone playing.. T_T
now me and my friends are currently online on Flyff, O2jam and Tantra
and yeah.., they also went crazy over the preview of RO2 |D