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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:29
Belldandy Gift

belldandys soul, what's it like?

Topics Ah! My Goddess belldandys soul, what's it like?
A soul defines a person and can make others souls beter or worse.Belldandys soul must be extra special or somthing to inspire us all so much.What do you think bells soul is like?
Innocent and pure. She never had to go through a how lot of bad times so her soul was never corrupted. That one bad time in the movie was forgotten because of a potion but apart from that, she lived a peaceful life.

Plus she was not around much bad people. Being in heaven and only coming to good people. Therefore she never knew what it was like to be bad.

Although, living with Keiichi would let her learn about people with dark souls. Belldandy has already grown up so her personality can never change. ^^
I think that her soul and mind are often underestimated. She's not blind to pain, anger, hatred or anything like it. She knows those feelings exist and she tries her best not to let them into her heart. I think that, while she is without a doubt pure and innocent, she is also wise, knowing more then she lets on.

My visions on the soul are quite different from most people, but I think that she has a warm soul, one that reaches out to those around her. She doesn't understand a lot at times, but she tries, and she'll continue to try and be the best goddess she can be, even if everyone is convinced that she already is the best. She has undeniable strenght.
I agree when you say that her mind is underestimated a lot in the manga Rei-schan. She's very sweet so people would take advantage or automaticly assume she has no experience in the matter. Speaking of souls I believe Urd is often under estimated in her skills of serious matters. When things look grave, Urd is possible the most wise of them all.
oh yes i'd say Urd is probably the most wisest when it comes to face a difficult and serious problem... however you don't see much of that side of her responsible personality in the manga. lol it's probably an image of herself she wantes to give to others.

bell's soul? hm....
i think that a person becomes wise with experience. so i tend to think that belldandy, like everyone else as a matter of fact, has probably experienced hate, anger etc etc... but she has had enough self control and realism to learn from these experiences and therefore be able to say: yeah i've done this and experienced that... it's not the end of the world just because this or that hapened..." she has moved on in life after these experiences and she learns day by day about everything she can and she can understand people better after on.

well that's my opinion... don't know if it was very clear though... :sheep:
Belldandy's soul is perfect!! just read the manga and you will see! if only more girls are like her!
.Basically you all said what I would have said ^^.
LOL Goku!

nah K1... i wouldn't say Bell's soul is perfect... because nobody is perfect... i'd be boring reading the manga if she really was perfect... ^^'
i think thats what makes her intrigueing, she is genuinly a nice person but we have seen her fight her inner demons before. remember that chapter where Bell was feeling jelousy and the lights would burst?
Belldandy does makes mistakes...but..in the end she is always...a good person... ^_^ a good soul...I really cant say how good her soul is..but too good....
yea some people have the same type of soul as Bell... even if it's not all that commun... for instance, one of my friend's is just so nice... it's absolutely impossible to hate her because she never says anything mean or misplaced about someone, and she's not boring either lol! she has quite a sens of humour ^^ she's adorable
I know someone whos 'erfect' too perfect, it gets anoying cause she is boring and when i have a conversation with her, she pretty much spits back what i said accpet with different words. She never says anything bad about anyone and she always agrees with you, no matter what you say. Its anoying, but shes a good person I think shes just finding herself and shes shy to show her true image ^-^
Those are interesting thoughts you guys have. You're right Rei, she is aware of negative feelings. She just doesn't act like that much. Well I would say that she is basically a happy person. Having so much trust in people. I used to be that way too. Being able to trust people never made me feel happier. Although people just took advantage of that.

Well it's good Keiichi doesn't take advantage of her. I can't say the same thing for Urd and Skuld. lol.

There are a few times Skuld and Urd took advantage of her trusting nature. Like how they made her believe Welsper was on some secret mission and stuff.
why do ppl always assume that a perfect person would be "boring"? that is a completely contradictory way of thinking, if someone is perfect then they are always right and appropriate at any given time, therefore when you talk to that person you will be assured of having a perfect convo, in other words not boring!

i think perfection is in the eye of the beholder, im in love with Belldandy, so i think she's perfect!!!

hmmm... this is becoming like that "is Belldandy Perfect" thread we had here a while ago. ^ ^'
Bell is perfect but if they keep changing her she wont be perfect no longer....I think.