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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:07
Belldandy Gift

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Topics Manga & Anime Neon Genesis Evangelion
When I first saw NGE I got hooked on it bad! I began studying what the symbols in each episode meant from the author. And don't you dare get me stared on the EoE movie, that was some of the most complex and messed up stuff you can do to anime.

It was a mix of a person going crazy, addition of religion and cults, to piece and quite moments all rolled into one. Many people believe that the maker made this movie as a result of the angry letters he received from fans ending the series as horribly as he did. It was basically his way of getting back at the fans by confusing them and making them think too much out of nothing.

Don't get me wrong it is still one of my all time admired anime series! But the ending of the series and movie was some of the most saddest times in all of the anime world, well to me if any thing. And I could almost answer anything about it, I did papers and weeks of research to learn as much I could about NGE.

I still support Asuka and Shinji, no matter what everyone else says, she was basically one of the few who could relate and connect to him.

And to those asking if its a sad series and movie....yes it is sad, disturbing and weird for both the ending of the movie and series.

Got any questions I'll try my best to answer them!!!
I am still not sure if it ended good or bad. Or even how it ended...

Mankind reached the status of god, but has to pay for it with the loss of feeling and identity.
Is it worth it or not?
I say it's WORTH it NGE is one of the few anime series to make people truly think about outside the box. In the anime it challenges you to see what the author means and his view in life. You have to think a lot towards the end! prepare yourself!
Oh sorry, what I meant was if it is worth to sacrifice the ability to feel for being a god.

NGE sure is a rare jewel in the world of anime.

I was surprised to see the Tree of Life being used to get to god. I don't know how, but the makers sure did their research well. It is said that if you want to find god, you have to walk down each of the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life In order to know intelligence, love, etc.
I never expected the EVA series to be created for that single purpose.
The plot really kept twisting and turning until the very end, leaving me with this "wtf" feeling.
It has been confirmed by http://www.evamonkey.com/ that a new project will be made out of Evangelion, he says it will be a new story, not a continuation or a remake.
Hope not a sad sereis:susp:
[img-right]http://sandalettes.free.fr/anime/Evangelion/zeruel.jpg[/img]For me Evangelion ended in episode 19 (Zeruel's Attact), it was the episode with highest climax after it nothing worth happened...
Its really a shame the series could have had an amazing ending if they put their lazy minds to work and forget the spiritual haze that made the series pretty poor and boring.

The only parts of Evangelion i liked: Episode 19 and starting of Evangelion Death Movie (child Misato being saved in a capsule by her father just some seconds before 2nd impact)
In resume Evangelion was a successfull failure :)
Hideaki Anno in Blue water used this solutions.
He never gives an ending and creates a strange mistery in everythingX| :emb: