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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:18
Belldandy Gift

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Topics Manga & Anime Neon Genesis Evangelion
Of all the Anime Series I have ever seen. Neon Genesis Evangelion has got to me the saddest. It isn't as much as sad as some people think. It's just really depressing. I mean... if you are already really depressed, watching an episode (or worse, the movie!) will really bring ya done and might even make ya wanna commit suicide. =/ However, I like this series because there was alot of time and thought put into it. I personally love the movie, The End f of Evangelion, the best. Even if it was my first episode i had even seen of the series. (I have seen everything on it now)
Yeah I also think that Neon Genesis Evangelion is very good. It's very sad, the ending, I never thought it will end up that way for them. I saw everything over 4 times I think.
I have to comment again on this movie because it seems like everytime I watch it I learn something new about it. The whole theme of the movie is that we all have the power to make our own choices in life. No one chooses for how we feel, no one decides what we do. We ultimately have the choice to decide our own future. You choose to be happy or sad today, etc. =/
I've seen the series once before but it's been along time ago.What I can remember of it it was a good series.I like Asuka best.I don't care much for Rei.
hmm i believe is saw it 2 imes mabye i realli don't remember that well but it seemed like a good show
i have seen the movie and the episodes, all i can say is if you dont see it a few times you will be so confused after the 20th episode .cas it is wild visions from the characters minds, and can be a bit confusing. but still a great series and was also rated one of the best ever made by a bunch of people.
oh yea... i had to see the serie and the movies more than one time to be able to understand anything... and since i'm pretty slow, i acked some friends who know a lot about Evangelion to get some other knowlege about it... it's a very twisted anim..
Don't say that, Morphee, you're not slow! It's just a very complicated series. I've watched all of it half a dozen times, too. I even bought the manga to see if that clarified things. My bf did some in-depth research on it for a college paper, and found out that it's actually heavily influenced by the Gnostic religion; that the events in the movie are *literally* what happen in their gospels. And, according to Gnosticism, Shinji choosing to continue as an individual was the wrong choice; it's all about becoming one with the universe and casting away the material plane. So, to a Gnostic believer, this series was a tragedy indeed. :P
yes Evangelion does have many religious references and also a lot of psychology is involved in it you would either have to be well versed in religious symbolism or a psychologist to truly understand all of it first time round
heres a bit of trivia: did you know the "childs" represent the three states of human egos, Asuka represents the IT , Shinji the EGO and Rei the SUPER EGO.
The End of Evangelion ending left me rather cold, showing an empty Earth with only Shinji and Asuka left, hmmm... did the creators of the series intend them to be the next Adam and Eve?
Acturally he kind of did. THe reason why it was only Asuka and Shinji was because Shinji wanted to return and he wanted Asuka there with him. It was his wish because he wanted to understand her better, and this was it was kind of forced onto her. But when he woke up he thought he was still dreamming and he wanted to continue his dream and kill her for hurting him.

Also the whole movie from the point where the Eva-Series came in (where Death and Rebirth ended and The End of Evangelion continued) was the director's way of saying "Screw you" to the audience.
hmmm well it's good to me now i saw about 3 espiodes to dai i like it the movie i've seen nes
you know what i really like about Evangelion? the songs!
The intro song is so catchy (i even hav a version on MP3 where Kikuko Inoue sings a remix) and the song Fly Me to the Moon is a good choice as outro.
"Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars.........you are all i long for, all i worship and adore.........in other words hold my hand ..........fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more ....................in other words please be true, in other words i love you!. ....(queue the sax!) lala lala la
lol kewl dad
Did you ever notice at the end of EoE, when it's just Shinji and Asuka, that Asuka's eyes are no longer *blue*, but *brown*? One popular theory is that it isn't *just* Asuka who Shinji chooses to remain with, but an amalgamation of Asuka, Rei, and Misato. It's hard to tell, as all three girls sustained wounds to their upper right arm, chest, and one eye (the bandages match Rei's from episode 1). But this also lends to the theory of the girls being the three aspects of Shinji's conciousness; he may not have chosen to combine all of humanity into one being, but he did at least combine all the aspects of *himself*. He is a long way from the finish, but he has accomplished a major step on his spiritual journey.
hmm nope well in awai i think let me see i'll look over that just to see it or if i can catch it in the act