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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:01
Belldandy Gift

Do jobs steal your soul?

Topics Misc Do jobs steal your soul?
I only say this because I've worked at two particularly soul-sucking jobs recently.. I'm a librarian, which sounds all nice and relaxing, but let me tell you, nothing's less rewarding than public service. Not to mention, I spend every last soul-sucking moment agonizing over what I *could* be accomplishing instead. In Stephen King's book, the Dark Tower, he makes a reference to "screaming talent". What it says, basically, is that when you have a talent, it begs to be used, *screams* to be used, to the point that it keeps you up at night, screaming "USE ME, DAMMIT, USE ME!". I definitely have one of those screaming talents. I feel like less of a person on any day in which I don't get to draw... and having a job where I don't get to use it feels almost crippling in a way.

Am I the only one who feels like my job is killing me?
work is very tiring for me too, i get up at 5:30am every week to get to work and dont usually get back home till 7:00pm. the work is frustrating because i work in a dept where the hours are unpredictable! u cant be sure u will leave on office closing time, that makes it suck! worse thing is i dont think its a line of work i want to go into for the future.
yep it almost stole mine... ;_; school work was so tense these last weeks that i've been really sick (explains why i haven't really been around these days...) monday and tuesday of last week and thursday and friday of this past week.... i was glued to my pillow and had nothing better to do then rest a lot (sleep all day) and wait and burn the illness away... i am sooooo happy i have 2 weeks off now... i'll be able to rest my mind and prepare myself for the end of the school year with all the big important exams coming...
im sorry to hear you've been sick Morphee, but im glad you're recovering well, and goodluck in yur exams! Ganbatte!

But school cant really be counted as a job! i think Melichan is talking about a job where u work to earn money.
I feel your pain, Morphee. I'm trying to get over Bronchitis, but I've probably got another 2 days before the antibiotics start to work, so I'll probably be a lot more grouchy before I get past the hump (beware! hehehehe).

As for jobs stealing your soul... only if you let it.

lol i hope you reconver well keiichik1! ^^

but why can't school be counted as a job? it's almost the same amount of effort... no?
well school is killing me tons and tons of assignments and crap to much work and everitime i walk through that door i get sad because i kno when i get home i will have tons and tons of homework and the fat that we have tons of things to do next month shesh this sucks and poor maman was sick i hope she is better soon
if school is so bad for you, then i hope the world of work will be better for you. Long hours, disgruntled customers, impossible tasks from the boss, early starts late finishes, overtime, weekend work, peanut pay, co-worker troubles. Don't say i didnt warn you!

have school life really gone down that much? when i was at school i had no such troubles, i made the most of it.
I was in school not so long ago, and it can be bad, but in a different way than a job. I had a horrible time in school because of money problems and stress, but I still had at least a sense of accomplishment, and I was working toward something I wanted to spend my life doing. Now that I work full-time, I don't have money problems anymore, but it's pointless, repetitive work, and it just makes me feel like I'm drowning sometimes. :P Oh, and another big difference between school and work is the time off. With my job, I have to earn my time off just like my money. For every two weeks I work without calling in sick, I get 4 hours of vacation time. Due to the unexpected death of a family member just after I began working, it took me just short of a year to save up enough hours to take a week's vacation!
Melichan, in my book i have a term for your type of work......slave labor. Seriously i think ur talents are wasted from what you just described. i hope you find your escape route soon. Ganbatte!

To all the others still in school, i have to say there is one thing school provides u with and that is long vacations! in school you're guaranteed vacations thoughout the year, summer, christmas, easter and so on.
I really dont understand why there are people that complain so much about their schoollife, there are people in this world that cant go to school even if they want to. We should be grateful that we have an education system.
Eh... not really slave labor. Afterall, places of employment aren't required to give people vacation time or even sick time for that matter. They do because otherwise, people would look for jobs elsewhere. A lot of companies are moving to the idea of personal time... which is a combination of sick time / vacation time that you earn every so often, but can take however you want. A lot of companies have gotten into trouble for firing or giving people bad evaluations because they took sick time (if they do give people sick time, then it is a benefit, and then there are laws about it). By lumping it all together, people are more willing to use it and not come in to work contagious.

i wish my job place was that accomodating to its employees. i think jobs becoming draining when they invade into your private time. such as overtime or irregular hours etc. i would enjoy my work much more if i know i'll be leaving work for home at X time etc.
Right, I know what you mean. The library I used to work at would give me very erratic schedules, so it was impossible to plan anything more than a few weeks in advance. At least the job I have now provides an *extremely* set schedule; it's a four-week rotation that only varies between January and Christmas. That, at least, is a blessing.
thats good melichan, at least you can plan your freetime effectively now and you have the security of knowing when you wont have to work.
I don't think any job is soul sucking.But there are jobs that makes think that way & make you feel bad about what you do.My job makes me feel bad at some of the things that I have to do to people.But I keep telling myself that it's apart of my job & it's for they're protection/interest.