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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:22
Belldandy Gift

realality shows

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I for one HATES'em.To me they are a waste of our time.Even those talk shows like Operah(sp) & Springer.Their annoying as heck to.Even one of my all time favorite wrestlers Hulk Hogan has his realality show now.
i also do not see the point in reality and chat shows. they just plain suck. what really pisses me off is big brother, o i'm going to sit at home and watch people living in a house. whats the point in that. 3 words "get a hobby" (wasn't directed at you goku ^_^;)
i dont like reality tv shows either, theyre just pathetic and there's too many of them.
it is real sad that there are people that take pleasure from watching other ppl act all pathetically, they should mind their own business.
RIGHT ON YOU 2 lol!!!.When I watch tv I like to forget about reality for a while.Why do we want to watch those shows & see the troubles they have when we have our own troubles.
Well I have to admit i kinda like reality shows ^-^ Depending on what they are that is. Like 'The Swan' gross that should be banned! You cant be beautiful through plastic surgury, thats promoting to women all over the world that they are ugly and tyhe only way to be pretty is a knife through your skin. Then they have the nerve to put them in a beauty pagent to see which surgeon did a better job. Gorss! That show just really gets me going >.<

However good reality tv shows like Extreme Home Makeovers, Im in love with! Its a show that visits the homes of people whose homes are wrecks and decayting (some didn't even have a home and lived in shacks!) and they build these gorgous houses for them! Its so wonderful and thoguhtdful you can tell the people on that show really care =^-^=
Ah, yeah, I kinda like that last show you mentioned too, Kitori-san! But in general I don't really like reality shows. Hate 'em, really. Which has always been a problem since my father and sister love 'em. I mostly dislike stuff like "Big Brother" or "Idol" and such. Absolutely not my kind of thing.
But then again, I hardly watch anything on TV except for movies and cartoons.

*sighs happily*
Which reminds me that I saw Gundam Wing this morning for the first time in ages. ^_^
don't get me started on idol......lol i rarely watcj tv anymore cause of all the crap thats on it. i only watch it for news, films, series (like 24 and charmed) and top gear ^_^ top gear rocks, jeremy clarkson is soo awesome lol
When they were still playing Charmed around here, I kind of followed it too, although some things about it bothered me. As a witch myself, it was nice to such a cult-series, eventhough most of it is extremely wrong. It's cute, though.
QuoteOriginally posted by F.Angel (view)
don't get me started on idol......lol i rarely watcj tv anymore cause of all the crap thats on it. i only watch it for news, films, series (like 24 and charmed) and top gear ^_^ top gear rocks, jeremy clarkson is soo awesome lol

i too like watching Top Gear!!! (what can i say? my name is K1 afterall! motor fan!)

They explain cars and stuff in an entertaining way, you dont have to be a complete motorhead to enjoy it. and youre right Clarkson is a rather good host for it, but i dont think i like that Hammond guy that much.
lol, hes ok. hes the comic relief :P bugger which remind me i missed top gear today *cries*
And then he says it takes a lot to make him cry...
but missing top gear is a lot for me, its all thats ever worth watching on tv nowadays hehe :P
me too...i also forgot to watch that...me also love cars...especially the tuned ones that the voice go VROOOOOOMMM!!!

But about reality shows, some of the ones that i dont like are fear factor and american idol...i just wonderin' why some of the people in here like those???:susp:
For american/canadian idol, its fun to see people who tried out and completly could not sing a tune. I know its not nice, but they chose to put themselves out there so its only fair i get to watch and have a laugh :D However what I cant stand is sometimes the judges dont know what their talking about. At least not on Canadian idol they'll say stupid things like 'I hear too much virbrada in your voice' hello! Vibrada is the natural way your voice sounds when your sing(Vibrada is the way your voice vibrates when you use your voice properly while singing)! Its something you can hardly controle! One time my music teacher tried out and they told her she couldn't continue cause she sounded too polished and refined they even told her to go to opera school (hehe...she already did :P) She was anoiyed cause the show focuses only on ametuers and kick people out that are 'too good.'

Another show that can be either anoyiiny to watch or fun is 'Trading Spouces' its normally when the wives switch with a family totally opposit theirs. Its really cool but sometimes hard to watch because sometimes you will meet people who simply cant accept another culture and its hard to watch people deal with that :(
Oh yeah, I've seen that too. Not one of the things I like though, but meh. I'm not a fan of any reality show, really. Seems like I don't care much about what other people do with their lives. ^-^'