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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:34
Belldandy Gift

bell's ring

Topics Ah! My Goddess bell's ring
indeed, this may sound stupid.
however, I am already confused since long time. why does Belldandy not wear her ring (which she got from Keichi) in the movie?

the story of the movie takes place after the OAV's. therefore she would have to wear it, or not?

-> :) thanks Nighthawk8799 and ssetbob7! I changed it!
Adding in little details like those adds extra time to the animation process, and therefore costs money, if my understanding is correct (feel free to berrate me if I'm wrong :E). It is the same in episode 3 season 2 of the anime series, as Ssetbob has pointed that out several times :p, in that Bell got the ring from Keiichi, but has not been seen with it since.

"Wear" would be the correct term in this case.
why carry a ring when you can wear it? hmmm
hahaha....sweetsusu...I thought the exact same thing after watching that episode. In the very next episode, it's no longer on her finger and i was like.....what the hell? So much for him going through all that trouble. Also, if you think about it, adding the ring to her finger may take a bit of re-animation, yes, but surely no more difficult then it would be to have to change the clothes she's wearing. I mean Belldandy goes through quite a number of costume changes. Surely, adding a ring to her finger is an easy task compared to animating an entirely new costume....unless i am seriously mistaken.
Arai wah you have a good point - i mean it's more complicated to actually re-dress Bell in new attire than actually add another ring on her finger!! if that was reality i guess K1 would be seriously offended after what he had to endure poor guy!! :=
Ya .. In reality, just adding a ring, it is just a simple task. Why they dont wanna draw... strange ... But in the Story, Belldandy dont wanna wear the ring maybe Because she dont wanna damage it; she does alot of housework. Keep in a safe place. That is wat i think .
thanks for your help, friends! ^_^

in the manga Bell wears the ring, however, also all the time. and I do not see, why she should not wear it, therefore, also in the movie.

a married woman wears her ring, nevertheless, also all the time, even on the housework or while cooking.

well, this cannot be the problem. it is not that difficult, to draw a small ring to the finger (in comparison to the other special effects of the movie), right?

Belldandy wears the other rings, too. so why not that special one from Keichi? :susp:
1) Belldandy wears the other rings are becos the ring and all the other accessories are used to seal her power. So she has to wear it all the time.

2) The ring that keiichi gave Belldandy contains lot of keiichi's Feelings, Belldandy dont wanna damage it. She wanna Keep it eternally, and only wanna wear it on special occasion with keiichi.

So wat i think is They should show that Belldandy wears the ring on special occasion. But they dont do it. Kinda strange.
QuoteOriginally posted by kira1616 (view)
1) Belldandy wears the other rings are becos the ring and all the other accessories are used to seal her power. So she has to wear it all the time.

2) The ring that keiichi gave Belldandy contains lot of keiichi's Feelings, Belldandy dont wanna damage it. She wanna Keep it eternally, and only wanna wear it on special occasion with keiichi.

So wat i think is They should show that Belldandy wears the ring on special occasion. But they dont do it. Kinda strange.

no, I think this is not quite right.

1. her earrings seal Belldandys power. I cannot exactly remember in which manga volume it was, but Belldandy broke the seal for fighting Urd (there: lord of terror).

2. as I already said. in the manga Belldandy wears the ring also all the time. every picture, cover or whatever of Belldandy shows that she always wears that ring!

well, in my opinion, the persons responsible of the movie have simply been sloppy a little. :susp:
indeed, this annoys me, but what should one do there? mistakes happen!
When making the movie, the people doing the drawings could simply forgot about it...or,
what I really think is that they put the movie aside the manga. It could possibly be that they wanted to make something not so "circular" like the Manga/OAVs or Maga/TV Series are.

I don't think they could use the Megami-sama rights to do something sloppy...but it seems that it is a separate arc of Aa! Megami-sama

But it's just my opinion!
Check the recent manga's...sometimes she wears em...sometimes she doesn't...does Fujishima sensei intentionally didn't drew the ring or did he really forgot???
QuoteOriginally posted by Hikaryu (view)
Check the recent manga's...sometimes she wears em...sometimes she doesn't...does Fujishima sensei intentionally didn't drew the ring or did he really forgot???

My guess is the latter, hands are very hard to draw and probably he sometimes rushes to meet deadlines
QuoteOriginally posted by Hikaryu (view)
Check the recent manga's...sometimes she wears em...sometimes she doesn't...does Fujishima sensei intentionally didn't drew the ring or did he really forgot???

>>>well...there are some times that you forgot drawing the smallest things...
who doesn't?!?!?! ^_^
QuoteOriginally posted by Avinash_Tyagi (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by Hikaryu (view)
Check the recent manga's...sometimes she wears em...sometimes she doesn't...does Fujishima sensei intentionally didn't drew the ring or did he really forgot???

My guess is the latter, hands are very hard to draw and probably he sometimes rushes to meet deadlines

But he have almost a month to fix all the details ..............

I think that she only use her ring only in very special situations, since its too special to use it everyday