well...it depends...
for subs, tou will need to look below to understand what they are saying...it can be a headache if you are reading while watching a beautiful scenario...Since subs are not the original copies, they cost low than the dubbed original ones...its kinda convinient...but the downfall is the quality...
on the other hand, dubs are original copies(some of them)...in dubs, you will not need to look up and down for the translation and for the scenrio...all you have to do is to watch and listen to the story...but in purchasing dubs, remember that it costs more than subs so you need to break your piggy bank to buy one...since dubs are original, the quality is high...
what will i choose?
>>>i'll go for subs and dubs...
because some of the subs are copied from remastered cd's...also, subbed cd's are kinda inexpensive than dubs...
If you buy original dubs, it is counted as a collection item...which can be a rarity model in the future...