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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:49
Belldandy Gift

Have you Dream that you could fly???

Topics Ah! My Goddess Have you Dream that you could fly???
i just had a nightmare recently. well it started off as a nightmare then i somehow controlled it into a pleasant dream. its one of those dreams where you're trying to get to a place or catch a certain person but the distannce just seems to get longer the more you run. i had to get to this place but it seemed to get further away but i started to control my dream so to speak and i eventually got to the destination. at that point i woke up :P not sure if that was suppose to happen but i felt like i was in control of my dream and bending its reality so to speak to get there. i also had a dream in the past where i was in an army and we were at war. no matter how many blows the enermy placed on me i did not die even though i was suppose to. i also felt like i was in control of that dream.
why can i control my dreams and other people can't?
going back to what reiyuka said, she's right, we all have dreams when we enter REM sleep. but we can't remember all the dreams we have
Ooooh, I know the answer to that! The fact that you know it's a dream, makes you able to take action. There's a special name for those kinds of dreams, but I can't think of it right now.

No, wait, I -can- remember it! I think it's called "lucid dreams" or something. Meh.

Scary nightmare, Angel-san.
have any of you had dreams where its really sad and you end up crying? i had several dreams where i woke up with tears streaming down my face.
Never that bad. But then again it takes quite a lot to get me to cry. I think I've only had that happening once.

Has anyone ever had a dream.. well, a nightmare that was so scary that you woke up completely disoriented and afraid to go back to sleep?
See this is one of those conversations that i cant contribute too because i dont remember the dreams and the ones i do remember i cant control whatsoever even though i know its a dream.
All my friends claim they can control ALL their dreams so i found it surprising that i finally met some people who cant ^^
QuoteOriginally posted by Keiichi-K1 (view)
have any of you had dreams where its really sad and you end up crying? i had several dreams where i woke up with tears streaming down my face.

i've definitely had one of those. i woke up not remembering i had a dream but my pillow and face was wet from tears lol i really wish i knew what that dream was cause it takes a lot to make my cry that much. i don't think i ever have lol
You can't ALWAYS control your dreams, that takes a lot of practice! I know, I've been trying to teach myself. ^-^ Lucid dreams are mostly very rare.
i can't control all my dreams, but i can control most of it although i tend to find when i'm first having my dream i'm not in control then i start to think hang on i'm dreaming and then i can control it, but i tend to go with the flow and have fun in my little head while sleeping ^_^ i don't like dreams i can't control though they almost always end up being nightmares only on some occations i managed to turn a nightmare into a dream. and i certainly can't control dreams i can't remember lol
For me, dreams usually are either immensly scary, or immensly happy. ^_^ Always an extreme. Even the silliest things, like spending an entire dream just talking to someone, makes me feel so happy that I have a great mood for weeks! I don't really want to be able to control my dreams. Usually, when it's a happy dream, I do know that I'm dreaming but I just go with whatever comes along. In nightmares I'm usually too panicked to even know I'm dreaming.
It was quite cool, once. I dreamed I was my cat Kiara, and when I figured out it was just a dream I got to go wherever I wanted, seeing everything from a cats point of view, in black and white.
dreams can also act like some kind of time-capsule, i had alot of dreams recently in which i was back in my old home that we moved out of years ago and i even still have dreams where i am back in my school days.
I cant stand sleep perallysis (spelling?) Basically its when you go into a deep form of rem sleep (Rem sleep is supposed to be restful) and you go into having a serious nightmare, your body shakes and convulses, your eyes roll up. The nightmare to you is so real you almost cant tell the difference between reality and dream durring it. I used to go through a lot of those nightmares but rarely presently. Its extremly scary, the worst is when your partially concious through it. When I would go through it even when i knew it was just a bad dream i cant wake myself up unless someone else wakes me up or my alarm goes off.
That sounds like such a horrible situation...id still rather dream even if i have to through that
i've had one of those, although i can't remember the dream, i became half asleep for some reason or another and saw a shape looming over me but when i woke up fully i realised it wsa only a shadow lol. but i was still really scared and couldn't go back to sleep
I'm glad I've never experienced that. Must be horrible, Kitori-san.
My dreams, at times, tend to border insanity. Others are either immensely crazy (very wierd), or a happy - very bad - what just happened? type sequence. I have flown in a lot of my dreams when I was younger, but when I fell I wasn't scared. I stayed in the dream, picked myself up, and fell again. The only true nightmare I EVER had was when I was young (6 or 7). Lets just say sibling+fire+blood made me a very protective person. Scariest thing was when I saw my self (third person dream). I just stood there with a soul-less look in my eyes. *shivers*:cry: