Hi guys.... I really love Belldandy...I just found this forum today...feel extremely grateful...T_T
I like lots of animes...Conan, Inuyasha, Chrno Crusade,Mai Hime...and especially Ah My Goddess series... My friends and I have a CONAN website ... http://www.conanspace.com... but that's only in Chinese...
My favourate band is DO AS INFINITY....Believe or not....They are the Greatest Band ... Just Perfect..... I like many their songs...like Yesterday&Today...Deep Forest...and many many more...^^
I have a very small band as well... I play the keyboard...and sing ... We only performed in a very small and local concert... Nothing too Great and serious...XDXD
My name is called RAL simply because it looks quite Strange...It does not have a real meaning....but you may explain it a" Rock and link" or "Rubbish as leaves" ..or "Real Air Line"... well I can't imagine more.... You can simply call me R or cobet^^
I like playing the piano...and I play both Classic and Pop songs... I don't know about others...but I can transfer the Pop songs onto Piano naturally....some people told me that it's quite rare...
um... I'm only 15 now.... believe or not.... and I'm a Chinese but currently studying in UK... Going back to China quite often really... Actually I feel quite lonely sometimes here since I'm on MY OWN..... my friends treat me well....but I still feel quite homesick....
Hope I will make many friends here...^^