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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 12:46
Belldandy Gift

Hi... I'm new and I'm a little shy...Am I welcome here...?

Topics Intro & Birthdays Hi... I'm new and I'm a little shy...Am I welcome here...?
Hi guys.... I really love Belldandy...I just found this forum today...feel extremely grateful...T_T

I like lots of animes...Conan, Inuyasha, Chrno Crusade,Mai Hime...and especially Ah My Goddess series... My friends and I have a CONAN website ... http://www.conanspace.com... but that's only in Chinese...

My favourate band is DO AS INFINITY....Believe or not....They are the Greatest Band ... Just Perfect..... I like many their songs...like Yesterday&Today...Deep Forest...and many many more...^^

I have a very small band as well... I play the keyboard...and sing ... We only performed in a very small and local concert... Nothing too Great and serious...XDXD

My name is called RAL simply because it looks quite Strange...It does not have a real meaning....but you may explain it a" Rock and link" or "Rubbish as leaves" ..or "Real Air Line"... well I can't imagine more.... You can simply call me R or cobet^^

I like playing the piano...and I play both Classic and Pop songs... I don't know about others...but I can transfer the Pop songs onto Piano naturally....some people told me that it's quite rare...

um... I'm only 15 now.... believe or not.... and I'm a Chinese but currently studying in UK... Going back to China quite often really... Actually I feel quite lonely sometimes here since I'm on MY OWN..... my friends treat me well....but I still feel quite homesick....

Hope I will make many friends here...^^
aww! you sound so sweet cobet! ^^ sure you'll make a lot of new friends here! :bg: and if you are lost or if you don't understand something here just ask! you'll surely get an answer, weather you ask in a private message or on the forum. :) i really hope you like it here! ^^ actually Keiichi-K1 and Kei (at least, i might have forgotten some) live in Great Britain too! i'm just next door since i live in France... lol! anyway... welcome to BAF! and i hope you have a really nice stay! ^^
:bounce: :bounce: :welcome: :bounce: :welcome: :bounce: :bounce:
welcome to the group, here you will never feel lonely, unless you sit in chat for hours alone:annoyed: . well i know you will love it here and make it your second or third home. :welcome: :bg:
Greetings Ral, pleasure to meet you! Any fan of Belldandy is a fan of mine. welcome to the board!
^^ welcome to the site! i'm sure you'll make lots of friends and really come to love it here!
Ne Hao! RAL ! welcome to BAF, im Keiichi-K1 the Belldandy Lover!

hmmm.. u from China! u speak Putuonghwa ma? ^^
as Morphee said, i live in UK too! maybe we'll bump into each other one day!
Please enjoy ur stay! and if anyone gives u a hard time just tell me. ^^
Thank you guys so much....T_T.... I feel so grateful and want to cry.....

I'm now really confident that I will make lots of friends... thank all of you... yes... haven't had this feeling for quite long...

I'm chinese....and I speak Putonghua...but the problem is that now I'm in UK so I have to speak English everyday = =||||

To K1: where do you come from then... You seen to be able to speak Chinese as well...

I'm sure this site will bring all of the megami fans worldwide together ... This is called re-unite..?XDXD
Ah :welcome: :bg: to BAF!!!Acorse you welcome here.It's ok to be shy.But you'll make new friends here.And I hope you like it here & make new friends.