27-Jun-20215 comments
The last Ah! My Goddess Community?
It seems all Ah! My Goddess Communities are gone, so I'm trying gather the members of the former communities here.
I've set this page to provide a medium for discussion, feedback and keeping in touch. Fell free to post content you might have, that was lost on the defunct communities.
The most relevant multi-user communities dedicated to Ah! My Goddess were: Belldandy Angel Feathers (BAF) and Goddess Project (GP), they both started in 2004, at the beginning of the year. BAF scattered and disappeared long ago, GP disappeared this year.
If you have any news regarding the disappearing of GP, let us know.
Other Fan Sites (active or not):
- Gateway to the goddesses
- This World of Elegance
- A Japanese Boy and a Goddess
- Ah! Keiichi-Sama
- Feather
- Sake, Bugs, and Angels
- The Belldandy's Table

I hope we find new members and Ah my goddess continue for some times. I suggest to contact all reviewer on ah my goddess and give them adress of this website. I suggest hotelkatz.
Its been many years, but my love for AMG will never die. TY for this post!

OMG was one of the first anime series that I really liked (and still do). I guess do to the fact that the ovas and tv series are so old they've fallen off the public's radar. It'd be a crying shame if OMG were totally forgotten.

Wow, BAF sure brings back memories... Even though I hadn't visited in years, I'm still kinda sad it's gone.

I'm looking for it, but I ripped the site before it went down (BAF). I can post it up once it comes around. I think its on an old external in my closet.