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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:21
Belldandy Gift

Onee-sama color manga 01EDIT

685 x 517 164KB
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows - 19-Dec-2007
Onee-sama color manga 01
Onee-sama color manga 01
No Fans.
As request and want to test if my technique also work with other characters. This is a painted Belldandy made by me.
Using basic techniques, Paint Bucket Tool and add drawing.
All the color and drawing technique are mainly used from the Season 2 TV series. The original picture come from chapter 196.
Neglect the shading. (Really sorry again...)
Easy Parts: Don't need to add much drawing, because most parts already has closed boundary for paint bucket.
Difficult Parts: -E...[more]
As request and want to test if my technique also work with other characters. This is a painted Belldandy made by me.
Using basic techniques, Paint Bucket Tool and add drawing.
All the color and drawing technique are mainly used from the Season 2 TV series. The original picture come from chapter 196.
Neglect the shading. (Really sorry again...)
Easy Parts: Don't need to add much drawing, because most parts already has closed boundary for paint bucket.
Difficult Parts: -Except her eyes, which are very diffcult for me to redraw to add the paint boundary.
-Finding more reference to draw and paint Belldandy.
(I'm not familiar much at other characters which are not Skuld, so forgive me if I did something wrong with her...)
-Need hair painting. Her hair is not black like Skuld (I had to paint only the reflection for Skuld's hair, but not Bell's).
So I have to paint her whole hair.
-Rough texture! This make my work become really tough work. Rough texture mean I have to use paint bucket many times for one layer.
I believe only her hair already composed of 100+ layers. I took the last 2 hours to make the texture more smooth by brushing.
-Color crossed the boundary (especially with hair), which I have to fixed (redraw) a lot.
All these problems might appeared just because I have no photoshop skill at all. However I use my only technique to paint this the best I can. Hope you guys like it... I'll make more for sure,but may be after New Year, because I have to study hard from now on (,and if the site still exist).
Thanks so much for all comments and support. q^ ^p[less]

  (Only asked once per session)
nice i like this photo :)
nice CG as usual..

well it still looks great without shading
Well done:E Whether intentional or not, it keeps some of the graininess of the original drawing and gives it a bit more character, if that makes any sense :sheep:. I've yet to get changing skin tones right, so I commend you on a good job here.
Good job! You had a difficult job to draw her hair I think.
Keep going.
This one also look very good, like Nighthawk, said it keeps the style and the feeling of the original work, but I think this one have something else than your previous drawings, it looks simple but very elegant and well done , I really like it, Thanks for sharing it!
really nice work ^_^
Once again, airgeneralpong, this is quite good. I can attest to the difficulty of coloring Belldandy's hair, as I have tried it myself. I would say that your attempt was far more successful than mine. It looks a bit grainy towards the bottom, but this might simply be the fact that more colors are interacting in that area. Looking at the oriiginal I notice that the bottom half of the image is darker, so this may also be a possible cause.

The color choices were good, certainly in keeping with what we've seen in the anime. I maybe dillusional, but the hair color is just a bit lighter than usual. Overall, I would say that this is really indicative of the time and effort that you have put into it. This is certainly the most complex image you've worked on to date. Hopefully, if you wish to continue these, you can develop a process that will save you from the immense amount of time that is necessary.

Referencing Zato-1, I would point out that the original did not have any shading either.
so beauty
very nice job!!
you´ve got a lot of talent!!!

the colors flow perfectly in Bell!!
Most impressive...that is all I have to say:D